March 13 2019 - Australia

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Australia was a beautiful country with an even more beautiful track. The first day was just to get used to the time difference, after that all drivers could get back to training and getting ready for the race, but not without getting through media day.

Interview 1 with Alex Albon, Lando Norris, Norah Wellington Knight and George Russel

" Welcome back everybody to a new season of F1. With us in group one we have Alex Albon - Torro Rosso, Lando Norris - Mclaren, George Russel - Williams and Norah Wellington Knight - Williams. Does anybody want to ask the first question in 2019?" The organiser said, many hands came up in the air.

"Yeah I have a question for both Williams drivers. We all know that Williams have had a few hard years behind them, do you think that this new strategy with two new rookies can change that or is it a wildcard?" Norah and George looked at each other before the girl spoke up.

"The thing about F1 is that you'll never know. This isn't something that happens often but me and George will just have to make the best out of it. I think it's important that you can learn from someone from your team if you are a rookie and this can many times be an older teammate, but we'll just have to learn from the team instead but this team has so much experience so i'm sure we both are gonna learn a lot."

"yeah of course i couldn't have said it better myself. Of course it's always a wildcard to take in rookies but I think with mine and Norah's history from F2 and F3 we'll be okay." George finished with a chuckle. The rest of the interview went on and we all got many questions that we tried to answer as maturely as possible.

Later in the evening Daniel Invited every driver to dinner, he said that he wanted to show everybody the city. Apparently something he did every year. They all met up and went on a walk around Melbourne. After a while everybody started to get hungry so Daniel called out a lot of different restaurants. When he named a sushi restaurant both Norah and Lando shouted "NO!" in unison, which made everybody turn their heads towards them.

"Please anything but sushi," Lando begged. Daniel agreed and decided on another restaurant that was close. They walked in there and sat down at the biggest table the restaurant had. Many of the staff were F1 fans so many pictures were taken.

The group ordered food and drinks while they all talked and tried to get to know each other better. Norah's phone started to ring and it was her brother, she excused herself and walked out and sat down against the restaurant's wall.

"hey sancho, what's up isn't it the middle of the night for you?"

"yes but I just wanted to talk with you. How is everything going?"

"It's good, we're out all the drivers for dinner to prepare for tomorrow"

"Are you nervous?"

"A bit but I'm more excited to get into the car for real. And the track feels amazing, it's gonna be fun!"

"Well i'll be up watching every session this weekend supporting you from England"

"That's great Matt, Do you know if dad and Laura will be watching?"

"dad said it's to early but Laura will watch the quali and race"

"Okay, sounds normal"

"How are the other drivers? Have you talked to Lewis yet?"

"Yeah a bit but everybody is so focused on their thing so i havent really talked to anybody new, but i'm sure i will during the dinner" Just as i was gonna ask Matt a question Lando came out from the restaurant.

"Norah the food is here we better get inside"

"Is it Lando? I wanna say hi!" I stood up and Lando walked into the picture and waved to Matt. We said goodbye and we went inside to eat.

The night was filled with jokes, laughs and a good vibe. The drivers split up on the way back since they lived in different hotels. Norah walked with Lando, Alex, George, Charles and Pierre. They shared old stories about karting days and in early F3.

Everybody said goodnight when they got to the hotel and went to their separate rooms.

The weekend had been a bit up and down. During the training the car was great but in quali things just turned around and everybody else were just so much faster then Norah, so it was P20 for her in tomorrow's race but she had dealt with that before.

The race didn't go Norah's way either, finishing last. Although the weekend wasn't the best she was still happy to be here in F1. Both Williams drivers talked on the way back home to England about the race and the car and things that the team could change to future races. Arriving home Norah was exhausted so she jumped into bed for an hour before she woke up, realising that in England it was the middle of the day so she wanted to do something to pass the time. She got into her car and drove "home" to her parents and brother. The drive was about 15 minutes from her flat and when she arrived at the gates she immediately felt like home. 

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