Monaco race weekend

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Ever since the racing season started Norah has only improved both on and off track. Her life was moving back to normal, with every visit to the doctors the result was always positive. The race results are also getting better compared to last year. She felt better, she is getting her life back.

The seventh race of the year was Monaco, a big favourite between the drivers. Not only the legendary race track but the legendary after parties too, Norah was a big fan of Jimmy'z, the biggest night club in Monaco. Since she was doing so good her restrictions didn't really restrict her anymore. She could go out, train and live her life like she did before.

"Norah you ready?" Adam asked through the garage, the team was just getting ready for the track walk. Norah came out with her favourite leggings, training top, running sneakers, hair in a bun and headphones resting around her neck. She was just putting on her gloves, she still had to be careful when exposing her hands to the sun due to her scars.

"Yeah let's go!" The team started to walk, like usual they talked about the track and how to think when driving. Although mostly just catching up between everyone it was still important to learn the curves. A lot of time was spent saying hi to everybody else on the track, drivers, mechanics and trainers. It was nice sometimes to just be people and not rivals like in the race. After the track walk Norah talked a bit with Adam before going on a run.

"Okay, two laps no more. After that we'll have lunch, okay?" Adam asked, still careful about going too fast.

"Yeah, it sounds good. See you later." Norah started to walk the track again, this time with her headphones on and music in her ears. The peace she felt when running was something she couldn't really explain, it was like riding or driving. She was just happy but when she was running she could just think about everything, solving problems she didn't want to talk with anyone else about. This time she was happy that she didn't have much to think about, just nice to enjoy the music and weather.

After one lap she could recognise a person ahead of her, she got a smile on her face. She kept running to catch up with him and when she did she grabbed his shoulders.

"Hey Norway, you good?" She smiled at Dennis, the two had gotten closer over time. She enjoyed hanging out with the younger F2 boys, made her feel young.

"Yeah, the sun is shining, you look good." He smiled back, still a bit shy but he was getting more comfortable.

"I feel good, see you tonight!" Norah waved and kept running, Dennis kept walking with as usual the biggest smile on his face. His friends were smirking at him.

"See you tonight? Are you dating Norah?" Clement asked.

"No it's a red bull thing, all academy drivers are invited." Dennis said simply, not wanting to make a big thing out of it.

The rest of the weekend was quickly going by, on Sunday the tension was hanging in the air around the track. All eyes were on Red Bull who had won the last three races, would the team rule the whole paddock again or would anyone else step up and break the curse. Norah was in her bubble like usual, headphones on and only focusing on the race, preparing mentally. She was excited, Monaco was her favourite GP on the calendar. It suited her driving style perfectly and she loved the after parties, she would be joined by Pierre since they both were single now was a perfect time to go clubbing together.

Norah was now by her car doing the last preparations before getting into the car, headphones still on, she did some reflex tests with Adam and then it was time for the National anthem, she stood along the rest of the drivers in a row while the music played. After that she put on all of her equipment, headphones, balaklava, helmet and gloves. She jumped into her car and got ready. She was starting P3 behind both Ferraris, she could get past, she just needed the right moments.

The race was slow, like really slow. Due to rain the race got red flagged, it was a long wait before they could start up the race again, it was not Norah's favourite conditions, she was good at racing in the rain but she didn't like it that much. She wanted the full speed. However after a long wait the race would start up again, she was still P3. This time the race could continue and the rain eased.

"Okay Norah that was the last pitstop for the race, you're still P3 but the Ferraris haven't pitted yet, push." Adam spoke to Norah through the headphones.

"Copy." She kept pushing, she could almost see the red car in front of her, she wanted to get by so bad. Her mind was only on getting closer to the car.

"Ferrari are pitting Carlos.. And Charles, push Norah this could be it. Come on girl!" For a second she didn't understand why they pitted both cars but it didn't matter. This was her chance to get by, over the long straight she flew past the Ferrari of Carlos Sainz, she was leading the Grand Prix with only a few laps left.

"Fantastic Norah! P1, you did it! What a drive you did today, we're so proud of you!" Adam screamed in her headphones when she got over the finish line. She had won the Monaco Grand Prix, she was a winner for the second time.

"Oh yeah!! Come on boys this is how we do it! What a race, I loved it, absolutely loved it."

"Mega drive Norah we're all proud of you! Enjoy!" Christian then spoke, she thanked him and just enjoyed the cool down lap. She was happy, so incredibly happy, this is what she lived for.

Getting to place the car at the P1 stop is special, the whole team was there and were applauding. Cameras everywhere taking pictures. She got out of her car so that she was standing on her seat and she started to celebrate, with her usual pat with her right fist on her left shoulder and then holding up her hand with one finger pointing to the sky, she looked up hoping that Matt was watching. Jumping down on the ground she ran over to her team, who all patted her and cheered her on. The happiness over the track could almost be touched, at least at the red bull team.

Preparations were made for the interviews held by no other than David, after the first two podium sitters it was time for Norah. David didn't have a second to start asking questions before Norah embraced him into a hug.

"Norah, Norah, Norah a second time winner. How does it feel, and to win here in Monaco?" David finally said, you could almost hear the tears in his throat.

"I can't even describe it, I'm so happy this means so much to me. The day was just fantastic despite the weather and the team as always was amazing."

"Well I think that is all we need to hear, Norah Wellington Knight ladies and gentlemen! My niece!" David had a proud smile and Norah laughed with him, she ran away and got ready for the podium.

When she got up there her emotions got to her, eyes watering she looked up to the sky. To Matt, Antione and Jules. They all meant too much to her, this was for them. She had once again proved that she could do it, the thing only men had done before, she did it and she would do it again. 

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