St Tropez - Showjumping competition

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Norah and Mick got to the competition a few hours late due to Mick not being ready. Norah's team and horses were already there, the rest of the boys would get there in a few hours. They got directly to the stables to greet everyone. Working with her this weekend would be Toby, her best friend at the stable along with June who had worked with Norah for many years, she had two horses to compete. Montgomery and one of her dad's horses, Ferrari, ironically.

"I am so sorry we're late, somebody didn't wake up this morning" She said and looked at Mick who yawned.

"It doesn't matter, I've missed you!" Toby put down his things and hugged Norah.

"We have gotten everything out from the trailer, the horses are clean and whole!" June said, also hugging Norah.

"You are real angels, this will be so fun." Norah walked over to greet her horses, she missed them when she wasn't home. They stood peacefully in their stalls eating. The four decided to have lunch before doing anything else, then Norah would ride the two horses.

After lunch Mick went to pick up their friends and Norah got ready to ride. She hasn't ridden that much lately but she'll know what to do. This is what she grew up with. Monty would be first since he is the most restless horse, the team got the horse ready and Norah changed clothes.

She got onto the horse, a smile grew on her face. Being back in her comfortable saddle and on her favourite horse in the world, things couldn't be much better. She walked around and enjoyed the sun. Monty was energetic and threw around with his head a bit but his ears were pointed forward all the time. After a while she started to work him on a short rein, she did her usual warm up.

The boys were making their way to the stable where June was, Mick asked where Norah was.

"She's riding Monty on arena B, she's been there for around 20 minutes" She said and looked at her watch, Mick introduced everyone to June and then walked to arena B. Norah was cantering on the big grey horse, it looked lovely as usual. Toby was standing in the middle giving some tips, the group stood outside and took in everything. Norah was focused on her riding but a smile could still be seen on her lips. Norah got down to a walk and continued to talk to Toby with her focused face, she took this very seriously. They stood and talked for a while and then Norah walked the horse, that was when she saw the boys.

"You're here!" She said when she got to them, Monty stretched his neck so that he could greet the boys too.

"This is so cool Norah! What is his name?" Clement said.

"Montgomery but we call him Monty, we've done everything together. My star." She patted the horse and smiled.

"How do you feel?" Mick asked, actually having a clue about horses.

"A bit rusty but I'll be fine, he's amazing. I think he's grown up a bit. Onto the next one." Norah rolled her eyes, then explained the temper Ferrari could have sometime. They all made their way back to the stable where June did the last things on Ferrari.

"He's ready when you are." Toby took Monty and June walked with Norah back to the arena. The boys followed like a big tail, they stopped outside the arena while the team walked in. Norah took a deep breath before walking onto the stool next to Ferrari, June was holding him and giving him a snack. Norah slowly and carefully got on and June made sure the big black horse didn't do anything stupid. He stood still and Norah could then walk, the horse had a power in his walk with his head high up to the sky. Norah walked him for a while, and Toby joined the boys.

"How's she doing, has he done anything?" Toby asked, sort of scared.

"No, why?" Mick asked.

"Well he can be a bit crazy sometimes that's all." Everyone stood still watching Norah walk, the horse didn't look too crazy but when Norah shortened her reins the big horse started to walk with small tense steps. Norah kept her cool and just soothed her horse. After a bit she tried a trott and the same there, small tense steps. Norah did her best to calm the horse, make him go forward instead of in the same place.

"I don't know what to do? Let him run for a bit, get his energy out? Or just soothe him?" Norah asked when she got to the boys, now she looked more scared then focused. The horse didn't stand still, just tripping from side to side.

"I think letting him run will only get him more worked up, but you ride best in canter so maybe take a few laps and try to get him working. Make him think about something other than running, he can do that another time." Toby said, Norah nodded but she still looked a bit scared. She slowly got the horse to a canter and tried to work him for a bit. After many tries Norah gave up.

"I'll just let him run." She said when she cantered past the group, the horse accelerated and Norah stood up in the saddle. Lap after lap she just let the horse canter. Everyone in the group stood shocked.

"How can she not be scared?" Marcus said, eyes wide. The rest of the boys nodded. Norah soon started to work the horse in the canter again and this time she was successful.

"That was really what he needed" Norah said trotting past, Toby nodded.

"Like how does she make him do all of that? It's not a machine." Clement said.

"Her legs, voice and hands." Mick said proudly, Clement looked to Dennis who was mesmerised at Norah.

"Watch out man, if she can control the beast with her legs I can't imagine what she can do to you." They shared a look, Mick accidentally overheard and laughed. 

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