Before Abu Dhabi

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The rest of the season was also a close battle between Norah and Max, their friendly relationship they had before had disappeared. Norah didn't understand why he couldn't be the same Max like before just because she was now in a close battle with him. She didn't care about that too much, she was focused on winning. A few days before leaving for Abu Dhabi Norah got a call from Charles, she was at her flat alone so she answered.

Hey Charles What's up.

I have a problem.

What, what is it?

I love you.

The line was quiet, Norah didn't know what to answer.


I love you, I don't know what is happening but I love you Norah.

Charles, please don't do this to me. I'm with Dennis now and I'm happy.

As happy as you were with me?

Norah didn't know what to answer.

No.. This is different okay? We were kids, it wasn't like we were supposed to be together forever.

But maybe we are, this about it! We could get back what we had before but make it better this time. I promise I will be better.

You always say it but when have you actually meant it?

Dennis came through the door, Norah waved at him then she went into her room. She slammed the door after her.

I mean it this time, i don't know what went wrong last time but i want you and only you Norah.

What about Charlotte, Charles she is a close friend of mine

I know this is horrible but I can't hide this anymore, I love you Norah! I don't think I ever stopped loving you..

Norah was on the verge of tears, all emotions from 2017 were coming back now.

Charles please, I can't take this now.. I'm with Dennis, I'm happy with him and I want this to work.

I know, I just wanted you to know. Bye.

And just like that he ended the call, Norah was left confused. She couldn't believe the phone call she just had, what was she feeling? She really liked Dennis but she didn't know if she loved him. She would always love Charles but could they get back to what they were before? Could he accept her for who she is now? She couldn't have kids, physically couldn't. She didn't want to let him down but he'd just have to accept that. Like Dennis did when she told him. 

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