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"You ready Sancho?"

"Always, are you?" Norah nodded at her brother, the two young kids were on a long sand road that their father had just finished, it was to train the horses on different grounds. The two were sitting on their own horses, it was a warm autumn day. Probably one of the last this year. The two turned around and just like that they went off in full gallop back home to the stable. They were fearless, putting their trust in their horses galloping at full speed. They were siblings, but not only that, they were best friends. When their dad put more focus on his new girlfriend Laura the siblings were there for each other, helping each other but mainly having fun with each other's company.

"Hey Norah have you seen Matt?" Laura asked through the house.

"Yeah he's in here!" Norah answered back. Laura walked into Norah's room, she was on her bed, writing something on her computer. Probably work things, but sitting by her desk was Matt, painting. The two siblings were older, Norah was away every other weekend for racing, explaining the messy room. She never had time to clean it. Matt however, was a bit lost in life. He had just finished school and should be planning his future, but he didn't know what to plan. Would he stay with his family and help his father with the family business, or would he make his own path, start a company? Study? Travel? He didn't know, but he didn't need to know. He was still young and had time to decide what to do.

"Aren't you two cute?" Laura asked, looking at her two kids. They looked back at her and then looked at each other, smiling. The so-called family actually started to feel like a family.

One or two years later, Norah was working as hard as she could to make a name for herself in the racing industry, Matt? He was still lost, he didn't know what to do. The Feeling that everyone was doing better than him, the pressure from his father and rushing thoughts in his head. He was scared, if he would choose, would he choose wrong and if he chose wrong he would be sad and he would have a boring life. He just wanted to be happy, be with his sister and not have to worry all the time. However he couldn't get any of that. His sister was either racing or in Monaco with her new boyfriend, and when she was home she was working with her horses, she even had her own flat now! He was nothing compared to her, useless. He didn't know what to do and he was too scared to ask for help, he was pathetic.

"I miss you Norah, i really do" Matt said over the phone, Norah was in the Netherlands for the race.

"Well you can come down to see a race you know? Get out and see the world"

"It's not that easy"

"Yeah I know, I know. But you should know that I miss you too, every second we're not together I miss you. You're the most important person in my life okay."

"More important than Lando?" Matt asked with a small smile

"Yes, more important than Lando" Norah asked, looking at Lando who was beside her. His face went from happy to shocked. 

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