Baku - Friday

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"Helloooo David"

"Hi Norah, what are you up to?"

"I'm just getting ready to get to track."

"Okay, I need to ask you a few questions. Christian called me yesterday."


"He said that you've lost weight, is that true?"

"Well yeah I've been getting back in shape."

"But you've lost more than you need, is that right?"

"I don't know, maybe a bit."

"But you don't know how to stop, maybe because you're scared?"

"I'm not scared, I just.. have a new diet."

"And who got you this diet? Because it's not your trainer, I know that. "

"Well Josh is really interested in this so I got a lot of inspiration from him, and then dad said around Christmas time that he had a new diet where he counted calories and I learned a lot about that. I'm just learning a new way to take care of my body."

"And do you feel happy? Comfortable in your body?"

"Yeah! I'm happy to be back racing and seeing my friends all the time. I'm fine David, I promise you'd be the first one to know if anything was wrong."

"Okay, and I just want you to be happy, alright? Christian said that if you lose too much it can be dangerous and don't think for one second that you will be able to race then. I know you want this Norah, racing for Red Bull has been your biggest dream your whole life. Don't make yourself sick so that you have to stop racing."

"Okay, I have to go, David. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yeah and call if anything bothers you. I'm always here."

David knew his niece, sometimes better than she knew herself. She was in a spiral, it had happened before. Her new boyfriend wanted her to do this new diet and her fathers encouragement in counting calories, added with her brother's death and her accident. She was in the wrong direction and she had been for a while, help was needed to turn her back to her regular life. Some things she needed to figure out on her own but other things she needed the help. David couldn't stand watching his niece destroy her life from a distance, he needed to get her going in the right direction. 

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