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1: Okay i found these pictures, is it Charles and Norah? Looks like it to me

2: Omg you're right it totally does! Where did you find them?!

1: I just came by them a few minutes ago, it's an account with lots of pictures like this. Did they date?!

3: I can't believe it!! Norah and Charles were a couple, why and how haven't we heard this before?!!!

4: I knew it!!

5: I have more pictures! I was in Monaco one time many years ago and I found them with Charles' family at a restaurant, Her leg over his, kissing and holding each other. Definitely a couple!

6: So Charles and Norah were a couple before!! From what I have looks like they dated until 2017, anyone remember the last races for the 2017 F2 season? They didn't even look at each other or talk, like never. What happened between them?! I need to know!!!

7: I didn't say anything out of respect for the two of them but since everyone knows now, i lived opposite Charles apartment for a few months and yes they dated. These pictures are 2015/2016, and let me tell you there was a lot of love between them!! Won't show to many out of respect but oh my where they in love!

4: WHAT!? I need to know what pics you have

7: ;)))

Norah had seen everything on twitter, the world knew about them. She didn't think too much of it, they both had moved on and were with other people now. The fans could speculate all they wanted, she just didn't want too many pictures to get out there.

They knew, everyone knew. Charles couldn't get the thought of them out from his head, this was in the past now, he should forget it and move on. He was with Charlotte, he was happy with Charlotte, but he was happier with Norah. 

Okay I couldn't find any good pictures but use your imagination :)

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