Flashback - Summer break 2017 (Part 2)

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"I'll just make this easier for the both of us. If you don't want to be with me then.. I'll respect that, but don't come to me in the future saying that you regret what you did, because you were the one that did it." Norah had enough, if Charles didn't want her anymore then she'd leave. A break? Like that has ever lasted. She got her bag and packed her stuff, then quickly left the apartment. Not saying a word to Charles.

She was walking down the streets of Monaco, alone with an overfilled bag. Where would she go? Was this just over with Charles, she loved him. Why would their relationship get in the way of racing? She looked around, to find a solution, to distract herself or to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Making her way down the road, two familiar faces made their way to her.

"Norah darling where are you going? why do you look that way?" Pascal asked with a soft voice. Norah didn't want to take responsibility for Charles' actions, a quick look at pascal an Arthur and she walked past and said; "Ask your son."

She kept walking, trying to find a solution she remembered. Her uncle David had a place in Monaco, she wasn't sure he was there but it was always worth a try, she called him.

Hey Norah!

Hey David um.. Are you in Monaco? I sort of need a place to stay.

I'm not right now, I will fly in a few hours. What has happened?

It's um.. Charles, he. He broke up with me, or I did? I don't know but I can't stay with him anymore. Can I stay with you?

You're always welcome Norah but you'll have to wait a few hours until i get there.

It's fine, I'll wait.

"So what happened?" David sat down on the sofa, he had just arrived.

"Well he has been acting really weird lately, sort of awkward and like pushing away everybody. Not just me, his mom and friends too. And then when I asked him what was wrong he just said that we should take a break."

"That sounds rather stupid of him, he acts like a boy."

"Yeah and then he started to talk about our future together and how he wants kids and all of that. Mate he's 19 years old and wants three kids and a big house and all of that. I don't know if he knows me but we're the total opposites on that part."

"But does he know?"

"No only you, Matt, Dad, Mom and Laura know. I intend to keep it that way."

"But what did you say?"

"I almost told him but then I broke up with him. I said that I'd make it easier for both of us but for him not to come back in the future."

"Well that sounds like the right thing to do, taking a break in relationships never works. Trust me." David finished with a smile. Norah stayed with David for a few days before getting back home to England, to get ready for the rest of the season and to beat Charles in the championship. 

Woman in a man's worldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin