London - Sunday evening

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Norah had invited Dennis for dinner, she really liked him but wasn't too sure that a relationship was what she needed right now. He was sweet and all but she wasn't even sure he felt the same. It didn't matter how she felt, he was nice and Norah enjoyed spending time with him. A nice casual dinner, who would say no to that.

Dennis was on his way, getting an Uber to get to Norah. He was nervous about the evening, he didn't know what Norah was thinking. Norah was clear that it was a casual dinner so no fancy dressing. Dennis decided to just go with the flow and see what would happen.

"Hi darling, how are you?" Norah asked when she opened the door, Dennis was on the other side. They shared a hug.

"I'm good, you? The race looked really fun today."

"Oh yeah it was so fun! I've just started on dinner." Norah felt her cheeks heating up a bit, probably the summer warmth.

"Nice, wow i've never been here before. I've heard it's small but it doesn't look so small."

"I know everyone says that i live so small but i like it, perfect for one person who is travelling most of the time anyways." Norah jokes.

"It's not much to see but I can show you around if you want?" Norah asked, Dennis nodded. She walked up the half floor where she had a desk and a lot of painting things.

"So here I have my work stuff and also my painting corner, most of the time I'm here is spent working." Norah said, then she walked back downstairs and pointed to a door.

"That's the bathroom." She then went into another room.

"Bedroom." She stopped inside, White walls and a big bed. The walls were filled with old helmets and trophies.

"That's so cool." Dennis said and pointed to the wall.

"Yeah, my whole racing career on a wall." Norah chuckled.

"Which is your favourite?" Norah thought for one second before taking down a trophy.

"This one, Barcelona 2018. Formula one debut, P3" Norah handed the trophy to Dennis who carefully took it.

"That's cool, is that Mick?" Dennis asked when he looked at the wall again, an old picture in a frame of Norah and Mick on a podium.

"Yeah, that was the first time I met him, on a race in Germany. We couldn't have been more than ten there." Norah looked at the picture for a second, Dennis looked at Norah, she looked nostalgic.

They got back into the kitchen and Norah finished cooking, they too had some small talk.

"Norah, can I ask you something?" Dennis said after dinner, the two were on the sofa.

"Of course, anything." Dennis got nervous again, looking around. Thinking about how to say everything right.

"Um, I know we haven't known each other for a long time but I really like being around you. You're a fantastic person and whenever I'm around you I get so happy. So I was wondering if.. If it's okay with you, we'd become something more." Dennis looked at Norah, who almost looked scared.

"Dennis, I like being around you too. I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now." She said,

"Of course, I completely understand."

"It's not that I don't like you, because I really do. But it's just so much that has happened over the last two years, I just need some peace.." Norah wasn't sure what to say because she didn't know what she needed.

"I understand but I'll be here whenever you need it, okay?" Dennis looked at Norah, she smiled at him. Her eyes went from his eyes to his lips, and up to his eyes again. She didn't know what she wanted but she had a feeling he wouldn't leave her. She slowly leaned in, as did he. The gap closed and they shared a kiss. They both enjoyed the kiss, Norah could almost recognise the feeling of the kiss. She had felt it somewhere else. The two stayed in each other's company for a little bit until Dennis had to leave. Norah went back to her room and laid down on the bed, she couldn't let go of the kiss. They hadn't kissed before, where did she recognise the kiss? Then it hit her.


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