Monaco After party - Jimmy'z

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Norah and Pierre had finished dinner and walked through the streets of Monaco to Jimmy'z, the best night club according to Norah. Many people were there and many people that worked in F1, it was always fun to see everyone outside the track. When the pair got to the long queue somebody waved at them, it was a guard.

"GP winners do not stand in a queue, Norah come here!" The guard shouted, Norah chuckled and took Pierre by the arm and walked to the entrance. They both thanked the guards when they walked by, the music got louder and louder. Inside the air was thicker and the music filled the room, the pair walked over to the bar.

"First one is on me" Pierre said, Norah looked at him but he made sure he wanted to pay. They both got their drink and looked over at the crowd, Norah's eyes stopped on Lewis. She then realised that it was a whole table filled with Mercedes people, They walked over.

"Hey enemies!" Norah waved to the group, everybody greeted her happily. The tension that was between the teams wasn't something that was focused on off track, here everybody just shared a passion for racing.

"Norah, you were amazing today! Couldn't have done it much better myself" Lewis said and hugged the girl. She then greeted everybody else, including George and Angela. It was enough room for Pierre and Norah so they sat down, they moved with the music when they got to their seats. Everybody started talking about everything, the race, future races, some bad songs that came on and overall mingled.

"Norah, who else was planning on coming here tonight? You always know." George asked.

"Not many, Mick will come later. Carlos maybe, perhaps Lance and Esteban too. Many planned on being on the yachts, boring if you ask me" Norah said with the loud music playing in the room, George nodded and then started to talk with Carmen. Norah kept dancing with Angela until Pierre tapped on her shoulder, showing his sms chat with Charles.

Are you at Jimmy'z?

Yeah, me and Norah are with Merc.

Me and Char are coming, I need to think of something else.


"Oh no." Norah thought of Charlotte who had to be with Charles, Norah knew how he would be after a bad race and this race was the most important for him. She just hoped nothing too serious had happened.

After a while Pierre got another text from Carlos, he explained that he and Isa had met up with Charles and Charlotte and were on their way, Norah prepared for the worst.

When they arrived Charles was clearly not happy, and not sober. They all greeted each other and pretended to be happy, everybody would talk about the drama tomorrow so no need to spoil it for them. Norah immediately started to talk to Charlotte and Isa so that Charlotte could think about something else. They ordered a few drinks and kept talking, Charles, Pierre and Carlos talked with George and the rest of the Merc team. After a while the problems were forgotten, people started to have fun for real and Norah's dance moves came back. She stood up and danced to the song, Singing along to the lyrics and smiled. She was happy. She looked around the club and saw Mick with the F2 guys just entering the club, she went over directly.

"What a coincidence, are you in Monaco too?" She asked over the music when she got to the boys. They all greeted her with hugs and handshakes.

"Congratulations on the win Norah!" Dennis said when they hugged.

"Well i'll have to say the same for you, double win is not very common" The pair looked each other in the eyes for a second, her green eyes and his brown. The world stopped around them, now the loud music was just a background noise. The tension broke when Clement asked if they wanted shots.

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