Silverstone - Thursday

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It was early on Thursday, Norah was in her car to get to Silverstone. She demanded a really important meeting with her team. She was nervous to tell everyone the news but she tried to stay calm. Walking through the paddock she greeted a few friends and said that they should talk later but that she couldn't tell why.

"Norah! What is this meeting about? Why are we here so early?" One of her mechanics said when she walked into the garage.

"You'll see soon, ten minutes to go!" Norah walked into the meeting room to mentally prepare.

"Okay is everyone here?" Norah asked.

"Yes, what did you want to talk about?" Christian asked.

"Well I have a letter here and I would love to read it to you but that would take the whole day so, Adam will you?" Norah half joked, Adam furrowed his eyebrows but took the letter. It was from Norah's Clinic.

"Dear Red Bull Oracle racing, Over the last year your driver Norah Wellington Knight has been one of our patients, she came to us with a bad case of Anorexia and she had mental problems about training, eating and her body image. We have done our best to work with Norah and the whole team so that she could continue racing, which was successful. Since the start of the 2022 Formula One season Norah has made great progress, she now has no restrictions for her training and we trust her that she can keep this up. This means that we don't have any reason to keep her as a patient, so from 30/6 2022 we at the London Anorexic Clinic give Norah a clean bill of health. We wish her and the team the best of luck in the 2022 Formula One season and also the best health to all of you. If there are any questions or doubts about this feel free to call or email us." Adam stopped, he looked at the letter and then at Norah. She had a nervous look on her face.

"You're not sick anymore?" He carefully asked, she nodded.

"You're not sick." Adam put down the letter, walked over to Norah and gave her a big hug. Everyone else in the room started to laugh and cheer.

"We're so happy for you Norah, not thinking about racing but for you and your life. We're so happy you got through this, you're a legend." Christian said and hugged her too. Hugs and tears were shared through the room, this had been more than getting their driver to perform. Everyone was invested in this and only wanted Norah to get better. Norah hugged Adam again.

"I wouldn't be here without you guys, I don't think you understand how much you've done for me and I promise I'll make it up for you. I'm so excited to get in that car and do everything I can to take home the championships this year." Norah said looking at her team, truly thankful for the whole team.

They all walked out of the room and to the garage where the rest of the team was, Norah told them the news and again hugs and tears filled the room. After a while David and Mick came in with a bunch of the drivers who were thrilled to see Norah.

"Norah!!!!!!" Lando screamed, he jumped on the girl and they shared a long hug.

"I'm so happy for you Norah, you're so strong." Pierre said and they hugged each other deeply. The rest of the drivers celebrated with Norah, it was almost like a big party in the garage just to celebrate Norah. 

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