Flashback - F3 2015

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"But you have to promise not to tell anyone! No one!" Norah said, looking seriously at Pierre who was hiding his laugh.

"Okay okay i will try my best but i can't promise anything Norah you know me!" Pierre said in between laughs. Norah had accidentally admitted that she liked Charles, something Pierre found hilarious.

"Come on Pierre firstly I'm not even sure and second; This would ruin our whole group! I don't want that." Pierre's face changed a bit, the big friend group was something he didn't want to lose. I meant so much for both.

"Okay okay, I promise."

"Thank you, and if this gets out I'll know who to blame." She pointed to him and then walked away. The whole group that was Norah, Pierre, Charles, Lando, George, Alex, Esteban and Antione had really gotten close over this year. Everyone being in either F2 or F3, they hung out a lot. Norah had really found comfort in Pierre, it felt like she could tell him anything. Both had admitted during a game of truth or dare that they didn't feel or would feel anything for each other. Pierre wasn't Norah type and Norah wasn't Pierre's. They settled on good friends... Same couldn't be said for Norah and Charles. The pair made it official a few months later. 

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