Flashback - Monaco 2016

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"Bonjour Mon amour" Charles whispered, Norah was laying deep down in the sheets of her boyfriend's bed. His hand was slowly brushing through her hair. Her eyes slowly opened and revealed the beauty of her lover, Charles was looking at her with a smile. He is newly awake too. Norah arrived late last night, the couple went to bed directly but now the whole world was waiting for them.

"Morning darling" She answered in her morning voice, she stroked his arm just like he was doing with her hair. Charles slowly moved so that he was over Norah, Her hands moving along his body. She cupped his face and kissed his lips, he deepened the kiss. After a morning cuddle Charles took a shower and Norah went out of the balcony to view the beauty of Monaco. She could see down to the ocean, a part of the race track, even David's apartment was visible. The breeze was warm and the sun was shining, maybe a beach day?

"You're so beautiful" Charles whispered in her ear, hugging her back. Norah put her hands on his that were around her waist, the couple enjoyed the view together.

"I was thinking of a beach day? It is so warm"

"It is always warm here mon amour, first we have to see my family. They have missed you, just like I have" He kissed her cheek.

"Of course, maybe they can join us or we could have dinner tonight?"

"That I already have planned." The couple stayed a few more minutes alone together before greeting the rest of the Leclerc family.

"Norah chérie! You have arrived" Pascal went to hug the girl.

"Yes, late last night, i'm so happy to be here! Hey little one." Norah ruffled Arthur's hair.

"I have a name you know"

"Yeah I know but you will always be the little one." Norah got herself a cup of coffee and enjoyed breakfast with the family. The couple later went down to the beach to enjoy the chilly ocean, just the two alone. Their relationship was filled with racing and they couldn't always be a normal couple, they also didn't want the world to know so it was a lot of secrecy, trying not to show their relationship.

Later in the evening when Norah and Charles got back a dinner was planned. Everybody helped with the food. Arthur did a sallad, Pascal did the pasta and Norah with Charles did the sauce.

"No! What are you doing?" Norah grabbed Charles' hands.

"I just want a bit of this nutmeg. I think it would be great."

"No you're crazy not for this sauce, some other time I promise but not this one." Norah looked Charles in the eye and slowly took the nutmeg from him.

"Since when do you know so much about all this food cooking?" Charles took the spoon and stirred the sauce.

"Since Laura, she knows so much about cooking. Her nonna knows the best recipes!" Charles shook his head and kept stirring. The table was set and Norah came out with the finished pasta on plates for everybody. The table was quiet and enjoyed the pasta.

"Norah you are fantastic! This is amazing." Arthur was choked at all of the flavours. The rest of the table agreed, Charles had already forgotten about his nutmeg.

"You shouldn't think about starting a restaurant? The dinner was amazing, truly." Charles asked when they got into his room.

"No way, we all have to eat to survive right? Maybe when I'm like really old and have nothing better to do."

"You always have things to do, but it would look good. Norah Wellington Knight, Race driver, show jumper AND restaurant owner."

"That is a nice resume. I'm so tired, who knew you would get tired of sitting on a beach." Norah smiled at her boyfriend, She was sitting on the bed. She took his hand and dragged him over to her, he cupped her face and looked at her.

"You are so beautiful, mon amour, I can't believe sometimes that you're mine." Norah laughed and grabbed Charles' waist, pulling him closer. He leaned down to kiss her and he soon got on to the bed and he gently laid Norah on her back. He was straddling over her, still kissing her lips. Her hands moved over his body, she grabbed his shirt and pulled it off him.

"Weren't you tired?" Charles broke the kiss and looked at his girlfriend.

"Yeah you're right, I'll just sleep now." Norah turned to the side but didn't get a long rest before Charles moved her back.

"No come on i wasn't serious" His eyes filled with lust, Norah fiddled with his hair.

"What do you want to do then?" She lifted one eyebrow, Charles did the same. She chuckled and then in a swift motion her hand on his right shoulder pushed him, turning him so that he was now on his back with Norah on top.

"I'm in charge." She smiled, her eyes going from his eyes, to his lips and to his body.

"Fine mon amour." He just smiled, the same amount of lust in his eyes. 

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