☏Phase One ☏

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Early in the morning, the next day All of the five friends were chatting about there plan. "Okay so what's the first step?" Asked James. "Well I thought you had this figured out!" Peter said anxiously. "The first step is to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for about a month." Y/n informed the group. "A MONTH?! HOW AM I GOING TO STAY QUIET FOR A MONTH!" Cried Sirius. Y/n sighed, they were right how were they going to keep a mandrake leaf in there mouth for a moth without swallowing it. "Well I suppose we could pretend we're making a bet.. uhm, how about we say who ever stays quiet for a whole moth gets.....20 galleons?" Peter suggested to the group, everyone looked at him. "You know.. that could work, I mean we're all know for doing stupid shit all the time." Y/n said, she looked around the room for the approval of the other two boys. James sighed, "Fine, I guess." "Okay good, we will start later, for now I need to sneak to the herbology room and take some. James can I borrow the invisibility cloak?" The girl asked him. "Yeah."

Y/n walked through the hall ways to the herbology room, silently sneaking past all the paintings and teachers. It was Saturday and she could go freely to anywhere she wanted in the school, but if she were to be caught stealing a mandrake leaf, they would ask questions.

She quietly opened the door and took out her scissors. She snipped 4 leafs off the plant and carefully held them in her palm. Y/n silently sneaked back to the common room where her friends were waiting. "Did you get them?" Asked Remus. "Yes I got them." She sighed. Taking off the cloak. She handed each leaf to the 3 boys. "Okay.. the 'challenge' starts now." Sirius said. They each put a leaf into there mouths, instantly Y/n was uncomfortable, the leaf was itchy. The texture of the leaf made her cringe. "You guys are going to be great listeners by the end of this." Remus laughed, all of the friends groaned at him.

"Y/n why aren't you talking?" Marlene asked her at breakfast. "It's because they have a stupid bet, who ever doesn't talk for a month get 20 galleons." Remus sighed. "That's a lot of money." Dorcas said dreamily. Y/n looked over to Remus. She hasn't realized till now that he was actually quite attractive, he looked like an actor on one of the muggle tv shows she watched once. Remus looked over at her. She blushed and looked away. "That's a stupid bet." Said Lilly, "You all are stupid actually." Y/n slapped her arm. "Why didn't you do it? I mean it's 20 galleons.." Mary asked Remus. "Uhm.. because I thought it was stupid, and I'm not going to participate in something dumb like that." Remus let out a breath of relief. "Makes sense."

The first class of the day was horrible, Y/n or any of the guys couldn't answer any of the questions. The professor's got very mad because of that so they took some house points away. The day was finally  over and they all retreated back to the common room. "It's kind of weird having none of you talk." Said Remus as they all plopped down in the chairs, In front of the fireplace. "Mhm." James nodded. "Mm mmhm hm mm mhm."Y/-n mumbled. "Uhm okay.." Said Remus confused. Y/n gathered all of her books and walked up the stairs to the girls dormitory. "Y/n, it's just us here, you can talk." Lilly stated as y/n crawled her bed. "Mm." "Come on Y/n! Please!" Lilly sighed. "Fine I'm giving to bed, good night."

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