The Prank

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March 25th, 1977.

The full moon was approaching, everyone was anxious especially Remus. This week was one of his worse ones, his emotions were going down the drain, he didn't want to talk to anyone and he just felt over tired all the time.

Right now everyone was in the great hall on the morning of the full moon. Remus was bouncing his leg up and down underneath the table because of how anxious he was. Y/n put a hand in his thigh, as a way to comfort and let him know she was there. "So, is everyone excited for the Quidditch finals?" James spoke, trying to divert the conversation away from anything that would involve the full moon. "Oh, when's that?" Peter asked him. "April 25th." James said. The whole table was quiet, which was unusual for the Marauders.

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Sirius was walking down the hall way, to the library to pick up a book for James. As he stepped into the library doors, he felt as though something was going to happen, something bad.

As he was browsing through the sections at the library, trying to find the book James needed a familiar face came up to him, Severus Snape.

"Ah, Sirius, I didn't know you could read." He smirked. Sirius rolled his eyes and looked over to the greasy haired boy. "What do you want Sniviluss?" Sirius plainly said. "I couldn't help but wonder.. why dose little Lupin and the rest if your things go missing for a day, every month." The arrogance in his voice was almost unnerving, as though he knew what it was, but simply wanted a confession out of Sirius. "Come to the Whomping Willow, tonight when the moon rises and i'll show you then?" Sirius smirked, this was going to be the best Prank yet. But oh boy was he wrong.

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The full moon was slowly rising, the Marauders had taken Remus to the Shrieking shack and were waiting in the downstairs of the rickety house for him to be fully transformed, before they went to greet him. "I have a little surprise for tonight." Sirius smirked at his own thought of it. "Huh? What is it?" Y/n asked him. "Now then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Sirius put a hand in her shoulder.

Soon enough the heard the howls coming from Remus upstairs, y/n flinched at the sound of her friend hurting. Y/n quickly turned into her panda form and went upstairs. Now that Remus' wolf form, and the other Animagi's were acquainted they could just go on with their night without having to meet again.

As soon as it was safe, the group of 'animals' went outside through the Whomping Willow passage, to get to the Forbidden forest, where they spent most of there full moon nights. When the got out of the tree tunnel, y/n was surprised to see none other that Severus Snape in the flesh. She panicked, Remus' werewolf form was not knowing of Severus, so for him to be there while he was transforms, could be life threatening.

As soon as y/n could think, Remus charged at Severus, but James' stag form was faster. He threw himself at Severus before Remus could hurt him, the both fell over. Remus fell over, he soon got up and charged at Severus again. Y/n went over and tried to peel Remus off of Severus, but he was too strong. Snape was seemingly holding Remus' weight up to he didn't bite him. James got off the ground and pushed Remus away. Severus got up and sprinted toward the castle. As Remus calmed down, Y/n and James looked over to Sirius and Peter. Of course Peter couldn't do anything, he was a small rat. But Sirius could help, but he just stood there. And now everyone knew what the big Surprise was.

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The next morning, everyone was at the Gryffendoor table. Remus was allowed to continue on with his day because he wasn't too hurt the night before, at least not physically. But everyone at the table was quiet, all of them looking at there empty plates, not trying to speak. Although James was trying to lighten the mood, telling a few jokes here and there, throng to start up a conversation between everyone. Peter was encouraging this, talking back to James, trying to get everyone to join in on the conversation. But to no use, Lilly was confused on what had happened, and so were the other girls. But no one wanted to talk about it.

Y/n had told Severus to never reveal Remus' secret, that it was to important to them. And even if they were enemy's this was to much of a deal to share. He reluctantly agreed to never speak about it again. Sirius and Remus were always talking to each other, but now they couldn't even look in the same direction the other was. The whole table was washed over with a melancholy feeling. Now this may not be a big deal to some, but when you have set rules for this type of thing one slip up can mean a great deal.

But for now everyone knew that nothing was going to be the same again.

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Y/n sat in the common room, reading some random book she had picked up. Remus was next to her, he was just starring into the fire place, no one was talking. "Hey y/n?" Remus asked her, looking over. "Yes?" Y/n retorted, marking her page in the book and setting it down on her lap. Remus hesitated for a moment, as though what he was going to ask was very Important. "Do you think I could sleep in your dorm for a while?" He asked, then looked away. "Of course I would leave when you guys were getting ready for bed and such.. I just don't think Sirius would want me to sleep in the dorm." Y/n looked at him sympathetically, she knew Lilly, Marlene and Alaura wouldn't mind. "Of course Remus." She sweetly smiled at him. 'Thank you." He half smiled back.

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