❂ Where'd All The Time Go? ✪

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May 26th, 1978.

Where'd all the time go? The last day of the Marauders Hogwarts time was here. What were they going to do after Hogwarts? Where would they live? Would they ever see each other again? Of course they would, but it's normal for friends to go apart as they got older. Y/n was in her room packing for the train ride tomorrow, she had to be careful not to leave anything behind because, she would not be back. You never realize how much you will miss a place until your about to leave it.

All of her belongings were packed, she was ready to leave tomorrow. The door to her and her friends dorm opens to reveal Alaura. "Hey Aj, what's up?" Y/n asked her. "I'm just doing some last minute packing."  She Replied. Alaura's trunk was almost packed, besides a few small things she'd needed to use tomorrow morning. "Okay." Y/n went back to her packing until, a question popped into her head. "Are you going back to America?" Alaura looked like she was confused. "Yeah, although I will miss you all." Alaura sighed. "I promise one day I'll come see you, it's not that hard all I need to do is apperate." Y/n added. The thought had not occurred to her till now but, where would she go after Hogwarts?

She shoulder couldn't go back home, not after losing Regulus, and she did not want to keep attending Death Eater meetings. But she had no place to stay. "I have to do something, I will be back in a minute." Y/n dusted her hands on her pants and quickly walked out of the room before Alaura could get another word in.

Y/n quickly made her way to the boys dormitory, she opened up the door without knocking. "James?" She asked walking over to him, he was sitting on his bed reading a muggle sports magazine his mother had gotten him for Christmas. "Yes, Spots?" He asked looking up from the magazine. Y/n hesitated for a moment. The thing she was about to ask would be risky but worth it In the end.

"I was wondering if I could stay at your house with you and Sirius until I have my own place sorted out? I... I just can't go back to my house, not without.. Reg. My parents also cannot track me because I am now a legal adult." Y/n hesitated before saying Regulus' name. "Of course  you can, mum and dad have been asking about you." James smiled at her. Y/n let out a breath she had not know that she was holding in. "Thank you so much James, it will only be until I figure out a place of my own." Y/n smiled at him. "I will always be here to help you." James quickly hugged her.

"Oh look it's Mr. Lupin!" James gestured to Remus walking into the room. "Hey Moony." Y/n got walked over to Remus and kissed his cheek. "Have you gotten everything packed?" Y/n asked him. "Mostly, I just need your help with something." Remus said. "I went to your dorm to look for you but Aj said you went somewhere else, so I came back here."

Remus walked over to his trunk on the end of his bed. "Your pretty good at closing my trunk, seems as though I have more than I thought I would going home." He nervously laughed. "Here." Y/n walked over to the trunk and smushed the top down, then closed the clasps on the side of it. "There you go, all ready." Y/n smiled at her Boyfriend. "Thank you Spots, your a life saver." He let out a relived sigh. "Well I know that." Y/n teased him. "Do you need help with anything?" Remus asked. "No at the moment, but I'll come and find you if I do." Y/n said, walking out the door. "Sounds like a plan." Remus retorted.

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All of the friend group were sitting in the common room in their normal seating spots that they randomly developed over the years. Y/n was between Lilly and Remus, Y/n's head laid on his shoulder.  "I can't believe that today was our last day at the school we have spent so many years at." James sadly said. "Well, we will make new memories after school too, we will all start family's and be friends until we die." Lily was surely being her optimistic self. "Yes, I suppose." James smiled at his Girlfriend.

"I'm going to miss you all." Alaura sadly said. "Well miss you too." Y/n smiled at her. "I'm going to come back to London and live there, it's so nice there." Alaura smiled at the thought of that. "Maybe you'll marry Galton." Lilly teased her. "You better watch out postal service." Alaura teased Lilly. "Okay, sorry." Lilly jokingly put her hands up in defense. "Yep, this is nice." Y/n sighed and closed her eyes. Remus and James softly laughed at the whole exchange. "Well, I think that everything will be alright." James smiled at the group. "Let's not worry about the future, let's just enjoy the present." He spoke out.

Now that the year was ending everyone was sad. There whole life was spent at Hogwarts, or what seemed to be there whole life. And at that moment if felt like all the minor inconvenience were just inconveniences, and not nothing to be worried about. There are something bigger than those, it just takes growing up to realize that.

Where'd All The Time Go?

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