☠︎︎ Crucio ☠︎︎

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It was finally christmas break, Y/n didn't know what she was going to do because everyone was going back to there homes. Sirius ran away to James the previous summer so she had no idea what she was going to do. Y/n hated Christmas break with her parents because they would hurt her. She never got presents because they said "presents are for people who deserve them, not traitors." Y/n was sure the break wasn't going to be any different.

Y/n arrived at her house, and immediately went up to her room. She sat on her bed and read for about an hour. Then her house elf kals came into her room. "Hello master Y/n, your mother says dinner is ready." Kals was a very kind house elf, he was the only thing Y/n loved at home. "Thank you Kals."

Y/n got up and made her was downstairs into the dining room. She sat down at the large table, the smell of ham and mashed potato's filled the air. Soon Y/n's parents came into the room. "Hello Mother, hello father." Y/n politely said. "Y/n." Her father gave her a nod.

Dinner was quiet for the most part. "Are you doing well in your academics?" Her mother asked. "Yes mother." Y/n answer back. "Good."
"I still cannot believe you are in Griffendoor. It's a disappointment of a house." Her Father scowled. "It's actually not that horrible Father." She spoke back. As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted it. "You dare sass me?" Her father banged his hand against the table. "No Father I meant-" "Stand up and go over there." Y/n stood up and walk over. She was prepared to be slapped or punched but they did something different. "CRUCIO!" her father cried out. Y/n fell to her knees, the pain felt as if thousands And thousands of sewing needles are being jabbed into her skin. Y/n cried out in pain as they kept going on. "P-please father s-stop!" She pleaded. After a minuet her father thought as she had learnt her lesson. "GET OUT OF MY SITE YOU DISGRACE OF A CHILD!" her mother yelled.

Y/n hobbled up the stairs and into her bedroom. Her body was aching, she fell on her bed and looked up. The pain still running trough her body. Her head was throbbing and so was every limb in her body, the side of her body hurt the most though. 'How could my parents do this?' She thought. Her parents took it way to far. They crossed a line that should never be crossed. 

After about a hour she got up. Y/n packed up all her belongings and grabbed Ami. She was never going back to this wretched place. As soon her her parents fell asleep, she walked out of the house. Y/n planned to go to James house, seeming as that's the only place she could go. December 20th 1975 is the day Y/n left her abusive home,

She had finally reached James Potter's Home, Y/n gently knocked on the door. Holding her side in pain. The door opens up to James. "I got it mom!" He yelled, then turned his head to her. "Hi." Y/n croaked out. His mouth hung open. "Holy shit y/n! Come inside!" She sling her backpack around her shoulder and walked in. "Mom!" James yelled. "Y/n are you okay?" He asked looking at her. She slumped her backpack on the floor and gave him a big hug. He hugged her back and carefully sat her of the couch. "Tell me what's wrong." He said, pulling up a stool in front of her. Y/n head hung down, "I- mother and father, they- they.... Crucio." Is all that came out of her mouth. She pulled up her sleeve and showed the red Crucio mark. "Oh my god." James mother walked into the room. "James who's this?" She asked. "Y/n.. my friend." He said. "Hello- oh- oh my goodness!" Mrs. Pottter fought a glimpse of the mark the Crucio curse. "Hold on.." His mother went and got a potion he ease her pain. James dad was a potineer so they had all sorts of potions. Y/n drank the potion and instantly felt better. "I'm so sorry for budging in like this James." Y/n felt so bad, but what if they don't take her in? It's not like the rest of her family will take her. "It's okay, your my little sister, remember?"

Y/n smiled at his comment. Sirius came down the stairs confused. "What's going on?" He asked. James looked up to him. "Y/n." James retorted. Sirius came over to the couch and looked at her. "Oh my god." He sat down next to her and hugged her. "It's going to be okay." He said, "I'm so sorry., I had no where else to go." Y/n looked up at James sorrowful. "It's okay, you can stay as long as you want honey, we have extra rooms." Mrs. Potter said. James house was a mansion, he had quite some wealth up his sleeve. "I don't wish to be a burden.." "It's simply no problem, let's go get you all set up." Mr. Potter took Y/n upstairs and got her bed set up. "Thank you so much Mrs. Potter, i am truly grateful." Y/n thanked her and Mrs. Potter left the room.
Y/n layed on her bed, overstimulated with all the events that happened that night. Soon she fell asleep.

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