❀ Murarders Map ❀

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December 1st, 1976

A fiery glow from the fireplace filled the Griffendoor common room. The friends realized they haven't done a prank in quite some time. They were sitting around planning there best prank yet .

"What if we turn peeves into a human?" James suggested. "And how would we do that?" Remus asked. "I don't know, your the smart one." James looked at Remus. "And I suppose your the dumb one." "Why you litt-" "I've got it!" Sirius yelled jumping out of his chair. "What if we turn the slitherin robes bright pink!" "Better yet, what if we turn the invisible!" Sirius squealed. "You know what, that's good." James said pointing his finger at Sirius. "But, that's not good enough." He sighed. "What if we make all the books in the library fly around, that's sure to make the librarian mad." Y/n suggested.
"We could also slip a puking pill into the headmasters pumpkin juice." Remus said.
"Holy shit! That's it Remus!" James yelled. "That's a great idea!" Peter yelled.

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The group werebtiptoeing down to the great hall, they were going to slip a puking pill into Dumbledoors drink. For some reason he always had it out the night before.

They were so close to the hall before they heard a high pitched voice. "Peeves sees students out of bed! Thou shalt be punished!" Peeves squealed. "Oh no." James looked at the group. "RUN!" he yelled and they all started sprinting down the hall way. They turned a corner to see professor McGonagall infront of them. "Going somewhere?" She asked. "Well we-" James started. "Never mind that, detention all of you." She said and then swiftly turned around and walked away. "Fuck!" Remus whispered yelled. "I wish we had some sort of way to tell where everyone was at every minute at every second of every day! Maybe then we could get better at pranks." Peter groaned. "That's brilliant!" Y/n said. "What if I told you there was a way we could do exactly that." Y/n said "you're joking." James looked at her. "There's no way!" He laughed. "James, I've used a piece of wood to levitate a feather once, I think anything is possible. I just need to figure out how we can make it." "I'll have to do some digging in the library." She pondered about what books would give her the information she needs. "We should name it something stupid like the Mararduers Parchment, or map." Sirius laughed. "Why Marauders?" Peter asked. "Because like the group of animals we steel and kill, or shall I say prank." Sirius responded. "That's actually clever." James snorted. "I'll figure something out."
Y/n said.

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The day after there detention, y/n went into the library to do some digging, she found a certain spell that can do just what they needed. Y/n got a big piece of paper and started enchanting it while she sat on her bed, in her dorm. Y/n Was still sad about Damien because she liked him for a while, but she realized that he was just a short chapter in her book. Y/n decided that there should a passcode to open and close the map, she decided passcode is 'I slolomly swear that I am up to no good.' She saw it fitting because they were always getting into trouble. The passcode to close the map was 'mischief managed' because that meant they were done with pranks.

Y/n quickly picked up the map and ran to the boy's dormitory. She knocked on the door twice and the door opens to a shirtless Remus. "Oh uh, hi." She said, ears heating up. She scaled his torso, looking up then down. She tried to not look awkward. Q"Wheres your shirt?" She asked. "I was about to go to bed, no one wears a shirt when they go to bed. At least not me." He nonchalantly said. "Oh well I have a surprise, may I come in?" Remus held the door for y/n to come in. "Aren't you cold?" She asked. "Nope, not at all."

"Alright, I have a surprise for all of you." Y/n announced, sitting one Remus' bed. She pulled the map out of her pocket and showed it to them. Peter, James and Sirius in-front if her and Remus sitting next to her. "Ahem," she coughing raising her wand, giving it a quick flick she said, "I Solomly swear that I am up to no good." The map opens its left to a title. "Messers Moony, Spots, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the marauders map." Remus smiled. "Y/n this Is brilliant!" He said hugging her. When she hugged him back she could feel his soft skin, she'd never felt this way before about anyone, butterflies filled her stomach when she hugged him that time. Y/n just chopped it up to being tired and let go of the hug.

"So are we just going to call ourselves  the Marauders now?" James asked. "I guess so, not a bad name is it though." Y/n smiled at him. "Not bad at all." He smiled back. "This is going to be so useful, where Dumbledoor now?" Peter asked. "He's.. ah there he is." Y/n pointed to little foot steps on the map packing back and forth, a little banner next to them say 'Albus Percival Wolfrick Brian Dumbledoor'. "Oh well, the map is very specific with names." Sirius laughed. "He has to many middle names." Remus mentioned.
"Whatever Remus JOHN Lupin." James teased. "Okay James FLEMONT Potter." He Remus said back emphasizing the middle name. "Hey my middle name is cool, Unlike JOHN." James teased. "I think middle names are stupid." Y/n mentions. "Whatever Y/N M/N L/N." Remus teased. "Okay Remus JOHN Lupin." Y/n smiled at him. "Whatever, wheres Dorcas right now?" Sirius asked. "She is... at the gate with, Cassandra Brown?" Y/n said. "I think she's a Homosexual." Sirius Blurted out. Everyone turned there heads to look at him. "That would make sense." Y/n smiled. "Eh, whatever doesn't change anything."

"Well I'm going to bed." James said. "It's past my bed time." He said, checking the watch on his wrist. "James, it's 9:30." Y/n looked at him with a puzzled expression. "I know.. it's 1 hour past my bed time." He said sliding under the covers. "Oh my goodness." Y/n shook her head. "Well, I best be going. Good night." Y/n pulled open the door. "Y/n wait, let me walk you to your dorm." Remus said standing up. "Remus it's 2 feet away from here." "I know.. just let me" he said. "Alright."

Y/n and Remus talk for the short time it tom them to get there. "Well good night Y/n." Remus said as they stood in-front of the door. "Night." She smiled at him, giving him a long hug. "I love you to the moon and back." He smiled. "Your arms have goosebumps on them." Y/n playfully whispered. "I know." He whispered back. "Oh Uhm." Lilly said waking up behind  them. They pulled away from there hug in a rush. "Oh uh, hi Lilly." Y/n quickly smiled at her. "Well I best be going to bed."Y/n hastily said. "Alright, and Remus.. please, put a shirt on." Lilly covers her eyes.

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"So what was that about?" Lilly asked Y/n, laying on her own bed. "I went over to talk to my friends and Remus took me back here." Y/n said. "Okay.. Y/n do you have something to tell me?" Lilly asked. "Uhm.. no?" "Okay.. we'll just remember I'm always here if you need to tell me something imported about a certain someone." Lilly looked at Y/n with a stern face. "Yep I will, well goodnight." Y/n quickly pulled the cover over her and fell asleep.

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