September, 1981.

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3 years had past scenes the Marauders 7th year at Hogwarts. Many things had happened scenes then...

Alaura and Galton got married right after school, by right after school I mean it was 4 months after school ended, in 1979 they had a beautiful baby boy named
Rolf Thesus Scamander. Alaura had become a florist for magical plants in a nice town by hogwarts called Irondale.

James and Lilly got married in 1979, James and Lilly never got jobs, james had a lot of inherited wealth from his parents after their tragic deaths from dragon pox's in 1979 but the money from them kept him and Lilly stable in there life's. They lived in a nice quiet town called Godrics Hallow. In late 1980 they had a Baby boy named
Harry James Potter. When they asked Y/n to be his godmother, she said yes without a second thought.

Sirius and Peter never committed to love or jobs of sorts, after hogwarts all of the friends only saw Peter at order meetings, he never made a point to meet up and have a nice chat like the rest of them did. Sirius often visited everyone, mostly needing a place to stay. Sirius always said that the order was his job, but no one ever made any real money from that.

Lastly, Remus and Y/n got married around the same time James and Lilly did. They decided to live in a nice village (also near Hogwarts) named Feldcroft. Remus eventually registered his name for the registered werewolf's at the ministry. Though he sadly could not get a job because of his condition, he dedicated his life to his wife and the order. Y/n became a secretary assistant in the 'care of magical creatures' department at the ministry. Though she always wanted to become a Astronomy teacher at Hogwarts she had to get a job to support her family for the time being. Speaking of family, on June 21st, 1980, Y/n gave birth to two beautiful twins, they were a boy and a girl, there names were Esmeralda Jean Lupin (or Esme for short) and Owen Regulus Lupin. There godparents were Sirius and Marlene (for Esmeralda) and James and Lilly (for Owen.)

Esmerelda's middle name was after Alaura, seeming as though her second name was Jean, and Owen's middle name was after Regulus, because Y/n wanted to contribute to him. They were both very beautiful children, they both looked a lot like their father, but had very noticeable features from their mom. Remus and Y/n loved their children very dearly and would do anything for them.

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September 29th, 1981.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Knocks sounded on the Potters home. "I'll get it!" A voice shouted from In side.
James Potter opened the door to see Remus, Y/n and their two, one year olds at the door. "Oh, come in!" James moved aside for his friends to walk into his house. James had a slight beard stubble, he grew his hair out more slightly and he looked more mature. Lilly looked very beautiful as always, her vibrant ginger hair and melted into a slightly softer ginger, everyone looked somewhat older, even if they were only 21.

"Wow James and Lilly, your house is beautiful!" Y/n smiled at the pair as soon as Lilly walked in. "Thank you so much Y/n. Harry has just woken up from a nap so I'll go get him real quick, make yourself's at home." Lilly smiled at Y/n and Remus before walking upstairs to grad her son. "Here, come sit." James led them to his living room where a sleeping Sirius laid sprawled out on the couch. "Wake up!" James shook Sirius violently. "Jesus! I'm up!" Sirius groggily groaned. "Moony! Spots!" Sirius sprung up from the couch and engulfed them in hugs. "Aww who do we have here, are these my little Panda Cubs?" Sirius tickled Own's stomach and he let out a cute baby giggle.

"Honestly Sirius, it's a surprise to me that you never had kids of your own, your great with them." Remus spoke out to him. "To much responsibility, do really think that I could keep care of a small fragile creature such as a baby, I don't think so." Sirius plopped back on the couch. Y/n set Own down on the floor as well as Esme and sat down with them. They were only toddlers so the just babbled and sat there. They could say the normal words like 'Mama' and 'Dada', Esme even learned how to say Harry because of how often she and Owen came over to see him. Soon after Lilly came over with baby Harry in her arms, she sat down next to Y/n and placed Harry down too, he quickly crawled over to Esme and Owen. "Harry!" Esme exclaimed when she saw him. It wasn't very clear yet because she was only a baby and had a baby voice but you could tell she was saying his name.

Lilly brought out some building blocks for the toddlers to play with while the adults were talking. Owen had magically been able to change one of the blocks that he was playing with into a pile of water. Y/n quickly got up to grab some paper towels to clean the mess up before it stained James and Lilly's hardwood floors. Everything was great, all of the friends were having fun and catching up about all of the things hat had been happening in the life's. "Do you remember the time that I poured a bucket of mud on that second year." Y/n laughed at the old pranks they used to play on the children of hogwarts. "Yes, that was ruthless." Sirius softly laughed.

"Oh god, that was you guys? I had to clean that child up because he came crying to me." Lilly smiled. "I almost forgot that you were a prefect." Y/n turned to Lilly. "Yes I was, and you all made it hell, I had to clean up so many pranks of yours." "Sorry?" Remus joked. James sat up and fixed his wired glasses slightly. "All of those times were amazing." He smiled. "I really missed this, all of us sitting and talking, but of course we have little gremlins crawling around though." James gestured to the three toddlers. "There not all that bad." Remus smiled. "Sure." James looked over to Remus.

There life's weren't as horrible as everyone thought they were going to be after school, everyone was very happy, with their own family's, own life's, and own goals. Maybe the future wasn't going to be so bad. Well of course they had Voldemort to worry about, everyone had to have plans to make sure there family was safe, all of the plans went to the secret keeper, Peter.

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