❁ Holloween ❁

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October 31st, 1976.

Halloween rolled around the corner fast, every one was ecstatic because of it. The Griffendoor house was throwing a party with the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws. It was going to be awesome.

Y/n was magicing up a table with some punch and snacks, Peter was helping her. "I swear to god, if someone spikes the punch with fire whisky I'm going to kill them." Y/n groaned. "What's wrong with fire whisky." Peter grinned. "It's disgusting and bitter, also I don't want people throwing there guts up on the carpeted floors." She replied. "Accio sugar cookies." She waved her want and a plate of frosted sugar cookies appeared in her hand. "Honestly I do not know how muggels go about there day without magic, really." Peter said. "I really don't know either Peteie." Y/n chuckled.

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The common room was buzzing with people, every one was having a good time, singing, dancing and talking to there friends. It was sort of a costume party but y/n just threw on a cat ear headband, a black shirt and jeans and called it a day. "Wow Spots, got really creative with the costume." Sirius joked. "Haha funny, what are you supposed to be, a total duche?" She teased. "Whatever." He smirked.
As the night went on there was a couple games of truth or dare and the Kiss, Marry, Kill too. Y/n tried the punch after a while and instantly spit it out. "Holy shit, this state like ass!" She explained. "Someone spiked it." A Ravenclaw said. "That's why." He wiped the remaining punch by her mouth with heheh back of her hand.

The night got later, y/n was talking with Sirius and some Hufflepuff 5th year named Damien. "Yeh Sirius I hope you won't mind but I invited Regulus, I forgot about your family squabbles." He said. Sirius shrugged it off. "Honestly, he really isn't even a bother to me now that I live with James. I haven't talked to him in a while." Sirius retorted. "Is that what you really think of me?" Y/n turned to see regulus standing in the door way of the common room holding one of his letters. "Regulus I-" "Save it." He said storming out, dropping his letter. "Sirius what did you do.." Y/n said, running after Regulus.

Y/n found Regulus sitting on some random steps in the castle. "Regulus I'm so sorry." Y/n said sitting next to him. "How could I be so stupid, to think he still loved me after he left me." Regulus had hot tears streaming down his face, the glow of the moon hit the tears like they were sparkling. Y/n took a seat next to him, pulling off her cat ears and set them down next to her. Regulus was hurriedly brushing the tears off his face. "Reggie, I don't think he means it, I- I don't know." Y/n was never got a comforting people, she just didn't know what to say. Regulus put his forehead down on her shoulder, his body jolting with every sob. Y/n put a hand on his long black hair patting it. "I'm really sorry Y/n, I'm acting like a blubbering baby." He apologized looking up at her. His eyes were red and puffy, and his nose looked like he had a cold. "Regulus, there nothing to be sorry about. What Sirius said was wrong, and I know how much you love him." Y/n put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Your a great friend, y/n." He slightly smiled at her. "I just want you to know even though he said that he really loves you. He talks about you everyday. Your his baby brother and nothing would change that. I just think he's confused." Y/n looked at him. "I think I know where he's coming from. I know he still loves me it's just- it's just that life at home without him is hard, and I wish he never ran away even though it was for his own good." Regulus looked down at the ground. "I really miss having him with me all the time." Another year rolled down his cheek. "Don't worry Reggie, everything is going to be okay." Y/n smiled at him, even if everything would not be okay having some hope to hold on to was always good.

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Y/n walked back into he common room, it was almost empty even though there were still a few lingerers. Y/n walked up the stairs to the boys dormitory. She knocked on her friends door. Remus answers the door with a tooth brush in his mouth. "Wha u." He said, "uhm can I talk to Sirius?" Y/n asked. "Yeh, on secon." He said almost inaudible.

A moment later Sirius came out of the door. "I didn't mean it Y/n, truly!" He explained. "I know Sirius, but Regulus is really upset. I think you should try and talk to him." Y/n friend to reason with him. "Look at the note he was going to give me." Sirius headed her the note.

Dear Sirius,

I finally gathered up the courage to take to note to you myself, it might be worth going home and mother and father hurt me. But it will worth seeing my beloved big brother again.
Like alway, I want to make sure you are keeping up with your study's and not messing around too much. I wish we could talk more. I've missed you every day since you left. Things at home are not the same without you.
I wish you'd have taken me with you.

Your baby brother, Regulus.

"Shit Pads, you fucked up big time." Y/n said. "Well thanks for rubbing it in!" He exclaimed. "Once again, I think you should talk to him. The worst that could happen is you never talk to each other again." Sirius groaned. "The worst that could happen is my biggest nightmare." He retorted. "I think I need to go to bed, refresh my mind, I'll talk to you in the morning." Said Sirius. "Alright. I'll see you in the morning."

Y/n walked back to her dorm, slipped under the covers and closed her eyes. She felt to bad for Regulus, she loved him dearly as a friend and wished he could be safe like Sirius. He was such a sweet boy and his parents were slowly tearing him apart.

It would be several hours of tossing and turning before Y/n finally fell into deep slumber. She'd wish the whole night never happened and that everything was okay. But that'd never happen.

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