✺ Quidditch Match ✺

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February 22nd, 1976

It was finally a new year, a new year filled with new excitement and new everything. Unlike last year everyone felt as though this was going to be something special. Y/n was now fully living with the Potters, and Sirius. Sirius had been living with them for a while. Almost the same thing that happened to Y/n happened to him, except he had his brother Regulus. Even though it was better for Sirius to leave his home, he felt as thought he betrayed his brother, as if a tight thread was being cut. He was the only one who could keep him sane, and he left. Regulus was even more angry about that, but there was nothing they could do. Regulus wanted to see his brother but he also did not want to betray his parents, or get burned off of the family tree.

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Every one was comfortably back at Hogwarts, safe and sound. The Quidditch season was already started, and Remus, Y/n, Lilly, Mary and Dorcas were going to cheer on there friends. James, Sirius and Marlene were playing against the Slytherins.

Currently James, Sirius and Marlene were at the locker room, or warming up. Even thought it was a few hours till the game, they wanted to make sure they were ready. Y/n was walking down the hall alone, admiring they beauty of Hogwarts. The architecture was simply beautiful. It was quiet in the hall ways, almost every one was doing something in there dorms or in other parts of the castle, seeming as it was a Saturday. Y/n was simply enjoying the silent.

There was a few foot steps behind her. Y/n looked around to see who it was. There was a boy, who looked a little younger than her, he had curly jet black hair and a Slytherin robe. He was also quite handsome. The boy quickened his pace seeming as he was trying to catch up to her. "Uhm.. Y/n?" The boy asks.

Y/n stops and look over to him. "Yes?" The girl questions. "Uhm.. your friend with Sirius right?" He questioned. "Yes.. your Regulus, right? Your friend with Evan and Barty.. right?" She questions, smiling at him. "Uhm yes, I was wondering well.." he took out a white envelope from his pocket. "Could you Uhm.. give this to Sirius? I usually ask James but he seems not to be anywhere." He slightly smiled back. Regulus looks very anxious, as though what he was doing was going to get him a weeks detention. "Oh, yes, James is just warming up for the game. That's why you doing see him." Y/n explained to him, his Dark black eyes staring daggers into her was starting to creep her out. He was definitely secretive. She wondered why he couldn't just send an owl or something to Sirius. Regulus looked around once more, "Well, thank you." He handed her the envelope, Regulus stood there as thought he wanted to say something more. They stood there in awkward silence for a second, Y/n slid the envelope into her robes and rocked on her heels. "Well I suppose I shall be going.. see you around?" She said in a attempt to get out of there. Regulus' stone cold expression still there. "See you around, Y/n." He said.

Y/n walked away feeling weird about the whole interaction. Maybe she was overthinking it. She started to make her way down the hallway again. She was going to met up with Lilly. She soon saw her at the end of the hallway. "Why were you talking to Sirius' little brother?" Lilly questioned. "He wanted me to give something to Sirius." Y/n explains. Lilly looked at her for a second then let it go.

Soon Lilly and Y/n met up with Remus. They sat down in the stands by there house tower. Y/n sat in the middle of them while Dorcas and Mary sat behind the three. The game started and Peter (he was announcing the game) called out in the arena. "And there the players go! The seeker flying thought the sky! There goes James potter already blocking Slytherin's chasers from a goal!" Peter announced enthusiastically "go James!" He whispered into the mic. "Mr. Pettigrew!" Professor Mcgonagal scolded him.

"Go James!" Lilly yelled form the stands. Y/n nudged her playfully and Lilly rolled her eyes. "Griffendoor is playing quite good today." Said Remus to Y/n. "They sure are, go Sirius!" Y/n cheers for her friends. The game went on for a while before Peter spoke again. "It's seems as though Slytherin Seeker Regulus black has found the golden snitch!" He announced to the crowd. Y/n looked over to see Regulus dive if after the snitch. "There goes Phoebe Dawson diving for the snitch too! Who will get it?" Peter announced again.

It was a very close call but Phoebe sped up her broom and closed her fingers around the snitch and grabbed it. She toppled off her broom, then stood up and held it hight in the air. "It seems as though Griffendoor won again!" Peter lastly announced.
"Yes!" Remus cheered. All of the Quidditch them hopped off of there brooms and game each other big group hug.

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Y/n, Peter and Remus waited outside of the Quidditch tent for their friends.
Soon James and Sirius came out of the tent. "You guys did great!" Peter said happily. "You did great with your commentating Wormtail!" Sirius exclaimed back. "Don't make me blush." Peter said, jokingly. "Sirius come her real quick." Y/n pulled him off to the side. "Regulus wanted me to give this to you." She said pulling the envelope out of her robe's pocket. "When did you see Regulus?" He questioned taking the envelope. "I was walking to go meet up with Lilly when he came up to me, said he couldn't find James." Y/n explained. "Thanks." "No problem."

Then they went back with the group. "Im so glad you guys won the match! And may I say Phoebe did amazing." Y/n exclaimed to the group. "Yeah that match was fun." James laughed.

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