❉ New Year ❉

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September 2nd, 1976.
6:36 am

Cold air filling the atmosphere was not always pleasant to wake up to. But I this case y/n was waking up to her first day of 6th year in Hogwarts. Y/n slipped out of bed and onto the cold floor, the chilly news of the air hit her shoulders like a snowball. She quickly threw on a war fuzzy grandpa jumper and made it down the the common room. Sense it was the 1st day, classes started later that usual. The cold hard stone staircase hit her slippers. She sat on one of the large couched in the big circular room. Her best friend, James was already awake. He always went to bed early and woke up early, James is the type of person you'd expect to go to bed late and wake up late but he was the exact opposite of that. Y/n and her friend chatted away about things they were excited to do that year. They'd come up with funny pranks to pull on the staff and students. Soon the common room was so lively and filled with chatter from the many students in Griffendoor.

Almost all of her friends were down on the couch now, except Lilly because all she wanted to do that morning was sleep. "I hope that this year will be amazing." Remus said fiddling with his robe while he sat on the couch. "I know it will, we will do so many pranks that we might be expelled!" Sirius exclaimed. "I hope not." James sighed. Soon Lilly came down the stairs all dressed and ready for the day. "Morning sleeping beauty." Y/n smirked at her. "Shut up." Lilly said. "Oh uh, hi Lilly." James shifted him his chair. Y/n leaned over to Remus and whispered, "10 galleons say that they get together before the end of the year." "Bet."

After all the friends went to breakfast the first class of the day started. It was potions, professor slughorn had them brew a successful Edurus potion. Y/n put in all the ingredients correctly, professor Slughorn came over to have a check on the potion. "Hmm seems as though your potion is bright yellow, it's supposed to be deep purple." He shook his head slightly. "Better luck next time Mrs. L/n." Y/n looked at her potion I'm shock. She was sure that she put in all of the ingredients right. Y/n was a little disappointed but to late now, she did not want to do it all over again.

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Soon potions class was over and it was now history of magic, the most boring subject in the world. Professors Bins was not even a fun ghost, he was so boring. Good thing this was the last class because the teachers usually had only two classes on the first day. Y/n and Remus just talked the whole time about their summers and such. "I have no idea what's wrong with Grant, he's getting very much distant. He used to come over to my house every day, but towards the end of the summer he barely talked to me." Remus sighed, "I just wish things were like they used to be." Y/n looked over at the scarred boy. "I'm sorry Moony, I wish that Grant would talk to you more, I know he's your best friend." Y/n said sympathetically. "At least I have you." He smiled at her. "Yeah." She smiled back.

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Night had fallen upon Hogwarts, the friend group decided to have a swim in the black lake tonight. They soon reached lake. "I'm going in!" James yelled, pulling his shirt off and running into the water. All of the friends went in the water except Remus and Y/n. Remus took his shirt off to go in the water, even though he was tall, and lanky he still had light abs. Y/n found herself starring at him. "Come on Y/n, hop in!" Peter shouted. "Uh... I don't know.." y/n was very unsure and self conscious of herself in just a bra and shorts. "Here, wear this." Remus handed her his shirt. "Thank you Moony." She smiled at him. Y/n toon off her robes and dress shirt and put on Remus' shirt. It was a little big on her but it was better than nothing. "You should keep that, it looks good on you." He smiled at her. "Really?" She asked him. "Yeah." Remus ran into the water with all his other friends.
The group was all swimming and splashing around. Y/n felt something pull her into the water by her leg, she screamed and them popped right back up. "Holy shit Remus! You scared me half to death!" She yelled at him. Remus couldn't stop laughing. Y/n put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him under the water. He bobbed back up and coughed. "That's what you get asshole!" Y/n smiled at him. "Aw let me give you a hug!" Remus put his arms around her and puller her under the water with him. "Oh my gosh Remus!" Y/n said as she resurfaced the water. They both smiled and laughed at each other.

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