♩The Future Talks♩

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October 5th, 1977.

October was always a lovely month, it was mostly fun because the children of Hogwarts could go to Hogsmeed, whenever they wished. Y/n was walking with her friends ( Remus, Sirius, James Peter, Lilly and AJ) to go get a butter beer at the three broom sticks.

"There no place like the 'three broom sticks'." Y/n sighed as she sat down at a table with her friends. "I second that, anyone fancy a butter beer? There on me." Peter said. Everyone agreed to that and Lilly, James, Sirius and Peter went up to the counter to order the drinks, leaving Alaura, Y/n and Remus at the table. "So.. how's everyone." Alaura asked. "Just thinking about the future." Y/n sighed, her head in her palm and her elbow on the wooden table. "Whatcha thinking about?" Alaura asked her. "When I have children, I'm going to name them something extravagant, like for instance, I've always loved the name Esmeralda, or Esme, for a girl. And for a boy I'd probably Name him something cool, like Owen." She looked down at the table. "I've always liked the name Owen." Remus said to her. They were sitting across the table from each other, so y/n looked up to him.

"It's such a good name, who wouldn't?" She smiled at him.
About a minute later the rest of the friend group had arrived back at the table and started to drink there butter beers and talk.

About 20 minuets later, y/n had felt a hand on her shoulder. Startled she looked up to see her 'husband' Regulus. "Hello Regulus, can I help you?" She asked. The whole table went quiet. Regulus pulled his hand away. "I need to talk to you.. in private." He coldly said. Regulus had barely let his guard down in-front of anyone, but if he trusted you enough, you'd get to see his sweet (ish) side. "Yep." Y/n said, standing up from her chair. "Excuse me for a moment." She politely said to the table. Regulus and Y/n walked to a corner, not so far away from the tables but far enough so no one in the pub could hear there conversation.

"What's up?" She asked him. "Mother sent me an owl, she said though it's early, she would like me and you to know that we must come over for Christmas break. She said there was an important meeting that we must attend."

Y/n was very bummed out by this news, but she'd expect things like this from her mother, and his. "I wished they'd just let us live our life's." She groaned.
Regulus slightly tilted his head upwards to look at  her. "Yeah, but at the end of the day, you'll have your parents, I'll have my parents and it will always be 2 on 1." He explained. "Well now it can be 2 on 4, which still doesn't even out." Y/n rolled her eyes at her own comment. "Well, I suppose you should be heading back, I don't wanna keep you to long." He nodded his head at her. "Alright see you around." She smiled at him slightly and walked back to her seat.

"What did Regulus want?" Remus asked her, almost impatiently. "Just telling me things about you know what." Y/n sighed at but her head on her palm. "Oh." Sirius took a sip of his butter beer and said. "His mother sent him a letter, basically saying that we had to come home fore Christmas and attend a 'meeting'." Y/n dryly sighed. "Oh I'm sorry
y/n." AJ put a hand on top of Y/n's who's was resting in the table. "What can you do." She sighed.

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October 28th, 1977.

The day after a full moon was always the worst. Mostly for Remus but a little for the rest of the Marauders, simply Because they stayed up all night.

Y/n was sitting at Remus' side in the hospital wing, waiting for him to wake up. Y/n almost always was the first person to see Remus after a full moon.

As y/n starred at the sleeping boy, she smiled. He had some cuts from last night but not too many, she starred at him, slightly blushing because of his bare chest. Remus without a shirt on could do numbers to Y/n's stomach and the little butterfly's flittering through it, his scarred chest, with him being slightly muscular made her face as hot as the sun. As y/n was thinking about that, Remus' eyes slightly fluttered open. "Hey, Moony." Y/n said in a slight whisper. "Y/n?! He tiredly responded. "Yeah it's me." She smiled and placed a hand on his bare shoulder. "How are you feeling." She quietly said again.

"As better as ever." He lightly chuckled, but as soon as he'd did he said a quiet 'ow' because his side hurt. "That good." She retracted her had from his shoulder, reaching down to a little tote bag she brought with her. "I have this book you might like, Madam Pomfrey said you might be in her till tomorrow, so I can read it to you, if you like of course." She showed a small book, that had a deep royal blue cover, the book was unnamed though. "That would be nice." He looked at the book then here.

"Now where shall be begin."

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October 28th, 1977.

7:56 pm.

"Wait so Malcom and Reese fake dated to make there crushes jealous, but just ended up liking each other?" Remus questioned, taking to book that they just finished from y/n's hands. "Yep that pretty much sums it up." She shrugged, "but why? Didn't they fancy those other people?" He asked.

"Remus for you being so smart and handsome, you really can be dumb sometime." She laughed. Y/n had shocked herself with what just came out of her mouth. Did she just openly call Remus handsome, well of course he was handsome, only the stupidest person in the world would think that he wasn't but, she just said it to his face.

Remus starred at her for a second, scanning her face, he smirked and then looked back at the book. "I am smart, just not good at these types of books, give me and Enemies to lovers and I could bullet point everything that happened in that book and why, just  not fake dating." He smiled, fidgeting with the book in his hand, turning it over to look at the back cover. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking at one of the deeper scares he got the night before. "Eh, better I guess, this one here hurts the worst." Remus pointed to a scar that had been re-opened on his chest. "Do you want me to kiss your Boo boo, make it all better?" Y/n said in a fake pity voice. "Yes, that would make it all better." He smiled at her. He looked up at her and rubbed his chapped lips together, like he was putting in lip stick.

Y/n looked into his brown eyes. "Well, I suppose it's getting late and you'd like to go to sleep." He sighed. Remus was a little bummed out that Y/n had to go, but it was late and she'd already skipped dinner to be with him. "Well I suppose it is." She sighed and looked at her wrist watch. "I'll comeback tomorrow, and kiss your boo boo's to make you feel better." She teased. "Okay, bye Spots." He sighed. "Bye Moony." She got out of the wooden chair and kissed his forehead. "Had one more boo boo up there." Y/n jokingly said. "Alright goodnight Y/n." He smiled up at her.

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