❂ Things Have Changed ❂

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September 4th, 1977.

Things Have Changed, nothing will be as it was in 5th or 6th year. With the order and the death eaters nothings ever going to be the same.

Y/n woke up in her Gryffendoor bed, like she normally does, got her school cloths on and then went down to breakfast.

Sitting at the table was different this time, when someone asked y/n about her summer, It was always a positive answer, now it was very negative.

Y/n has to wear long sleeved shirts now (not that she didn't before.) she had to wear them to cover up the dark mark. Y/n's mother told her that she would have to sit with Regulus for dinners and Breakfasts. She was not to keen on this idea.

Y/n made her way over to to see James for a moment. "Hey James." Y/n said standing next to where he was sitting. "Yeah Spots?" He asked her, looking up. "I have to sit with Regulus for Breakfast and dinner, I hate this but I have to. Mum says that If I don't she will have Lucius tell her. I'm sorry." Y/n was so sad she couldn't sit with her friends as much as she normally did. "Oh.. that's okay, see you in class." He smiled at her. "Alright." Y/n walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to him. "Hey y/n."  Regulus  looked over to her. "I'm sorry you can't sit with your friends." His cold grey gaze piercing into her soul. "I am too, but mother knows best." Y/n sarcastically said, putting her head down on the table. "Hey Regulus, who's this?"

The infamous Barry Crouch Jr had walked in and sat across from Regulus. "This is my friend, Y/n L/n." He said, gesturing a hand to her. "Nope, that's his wife, Y/n." Evan Rosier said from next to Barty. "Wow Regulus, I didn't think you would get a girl this early, let alone marry her." Barty teased him. "Shut the fuck up." Y/n said, picking her head up from the table. "I don't even want to be married, it's the stupid blood supremaciest parents we have." Barty looked confused. "Oh." He said and looked back to Regulus. "Our parents forced us into a marriage." He explained. "That's effed up." Evan sincerely said.

"Not to be rude or anything, I'm sure you all are lovely people, but I'd rather be over at that table with my friends than over here. My Mum says that at I don't sit with Regulus for Supper and Breakfast, that she'll get Malfoy to tell her I was being 'bad'." She complained. Y/n would much rather sit with her friends, cracking joke, making witty comments and making memories, that sitting with a bunch of people she didn't know. Y/n put her head back down on the table. "You should eat something." Regulus said, putting a hand on her back. "I'm not hungry." A mumbled
Y/n voice said from the table. "Alright." Regulus sighed. He retracted his hand from her back.

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Currently y/n and Remus were sitting in muggle studies, just talking about normal things teenagers talk about. "So, how's Grant?" Y/n asked him. "He's been weird. Grant has been seeing me less and less, but I still hang out with him from time to time." Remus shrugged. "Sorry to hear that." She sighed. "I won't even ask about how your summer was." Remus looked over at her, he hadn't noticed this before but Y/n was gorgeous. Over the summer, her facial features had gotten more refined, more elegant. Remus' face heated up from the thought about that. "Yeah." She laughed. "What if we just run away together." Remus suggested. "I wish Moony." She smiled at him.

"I just want to go back to 1st year, when we all were in the compartment, talking about what houses we wanted to be in, and James' ego was skyrocketing through the roof, so was Sirius'. But you and Peter were more quiet. I remember that you said you think that you might be in Hufflepuff." Y/n grinned at the thought of that memory. At the sorting ceremony they were all so excited to be in the same house as one another. "Yeah, that was the great life." Remus sighed. "Oh well, life goes on." Y/n looked back down at her notes.

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"Ah, I miss this, all of us just chilling in our dorms together." Alaura was happy to be back in Scotland, and at Hogwarts. "Ilvermorny is awesome, but not like Hogwarts." She said, flipping back down in her bed. "I guess, although I'd like to see what Ilvermorny is like." Lilly retorted. "Well maybe will ship you there, in the No-Maj postal service." Alaura joked. "Alaura-Jean Marie Brown!" Lilly said. "That is no way to talk to your elders." She joked. "Oh no! The whole name! I'm screwed." Alaura giggled. "yep this is nice." Y/n sighed.

"So Alaura, about you and Galton." Y/n turned her body to Alaura, hoping for a good answer. "Well we sent letters over the summer.. and we started dating!" She said excitedly. "No kidding!" Lilly happily retorted. "I'm happy for you." Y/n congratulated her. "Yep, I like him so much." Alaura sighed.

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Y/n and Regulus were sitting in the library. Y/n needs some help with Divination because divination is weird to learn and hard to learn. Naturally, Regulus excelled at almost every subject (with the exception of Herbology.)

"How do you even get this?" She questioned him. "It's fairley easy, alright let's see.. crystal ball, hmm." Regulus studied the Divination textbook with determination. "The worst part about this is she only assigns home work that requires things you need in the class room and things no child would ever willingly own." Y/n groaned and leaned back in her chair "Yeah, we should just go in and beat her up, pow pow." Regulus sarcastically said, making fake punching gestures. "Like you could take her down." Y/n teased him, crossing her arms and sitting up. "What do you mean, if it was legal, I could totally beat her." He jokingly questioned. "Five foot seven." She said in a sing-song voice. Regulus rolled his eyes. "And a half."

Y/n started laughing at the boy. "Like it make a difference, just face the facts, I'm a year older than you and I am taller." She shoved him a little. "Yeah older and more likely to die first." He mumbled. "What was that?" She asked Regulus. "Nothing." Regulus looked around the room. "No, tell me what you said." Y/n jokingly glared at him. "I said, I love you so much my dear" Regulus fake threw up before saying. "Wife." He fake gagged again. "Shut your trap." She sighed. "No can do dear." Y/n looked over and him and fake gagged. Most people would think that Regulus Arcturus Black could never have a single funny bone in his body, but Y/n knew him better than most people.

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𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓪Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora