Chapter 10

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We've been walking for a few days now, and I still had no idea where we were going. Bankostu barely spoke to me and to make things worse I was still tied to him. Of course that's probably because I refused to behave. I either attempted to fight him, or just plain wouldn't cooperate; which usually only resulted in him carrying me.

"You're being awfully quiet. What's up?" Bankotsu pulled me from my thoughts.

"Hmph." I snorted, and crossed my arms.

"The silent treatment?" he laughed as he pulled his arm back down by his side; unfolding mine in the process. "That's cute, little witch."

"Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled me along.

Bankostu started to say something, but he cut himself off when he heard a twig snap. "Who's there?" he snapped; grabbing his Banryu with his free hand.

"It's probably just an animal." I rolled my eyes.

"If you weren't such a weak human, then you would know it wasn't." I elbowed him, which only got me a smirk.

"Just because I can't hear whatever you're hearing doesn't make me weak." I said with a huff, and tried to cross my arms again. "Is it necessary to keep me tied to-"

I didn't get to finish before my jaw dropped in shock as a familiar demon stepped from the shadows.

"Lady Mizuko!" she exclaimed as her face lit up.

"Nami?" my voice was barely a whisper.

She was taller now, like Shippo, but she still looked the same. White hair, bright blue eyes, and a smile that almost brought tears to my eyes.

"Die." Bankostu smirked, and I felt my stomach drop.

"NO!" I screamed as I threw myself against him; somehow managing to knock him over. I also managed to knock his Banryu from his hand, and; in an attempt to keep him in one place, I straddled him and held his hands above his head.

"Seems you're not as weak as you seem." he chuckled.

"I won't let you kill her!" I said in a panic, and tears rushed to the rim of my eyes.

"Fine, fine, I won't kill her." he laughed as he easily freed his hands, then picked me up and set me on the ground next to him.

"Lady Mizuko?" Nami ears twitched as she watched our encounter.

"Nami!" happy tears fell from my eyes, and I tried to run to her. Emphasis on try. I was only about halfway standing when the rope connecting mine and Bankotsu's wrist hit it's full length. The result was pretty predictable. I hit the ground hard, and even rolled backwards. I landed on my stomach, and groaned as I heard Bankotsu laugh at me.

"For someone who is supposed to be smart, you sure are stupid." he said between laughs.

"Just stand up and be quiet." I rolled my eyes as I, slowly, stood up.

"You smell different." Nami said as we walked towards her.

"You probably knew her when she was a demon, but now she's nothing more than a human. She doesn't even have witch powers anymore." Bankotsu answered for me.

"Is that possible?" Nami said with a shocked look.

"Apparently." I mumbled, then through my arms around her neck once I was close enough. "I was wondering what happened to you."

"I stayed with Lord Sesshomaru for a little while, but a few years after you were taken I went looking for you on my own." she replied.

"Why didn't you ever return?" I asked; continuing to walk as Bankostu pulled on the rope.

"I found a pack of half demons, and I've been with them since." she smiled as she spoke.

"I'm happy you found people you can be yourself with." I smiled back.

"Wait, so you're a half demon?" Bankotsu cut in.

"How about you just lead the way, and leave us to talk?" I waved my free hand at him, and gasped as he grabbed it and jerked me forward.

My back pressed up against rough bark as he put most of his body weight on me.

"Get off her!" Nami yelled, and Bankostu's weight disappeared. I cringed as I started to feel the rope tug me with him, but was shocked to feel the rope be cut. "Come on, Lady Mizuko!"

My eyes snapped open, and I saw Bankotsu struggling to untangle himself from the bush he landed in so I took my chance to run.

That's all we did for almost an hour. We ran side by side without stopping until we felt we had gotten far enough away.

"Thank you, Nami." I said between breathes when we finally stopped.

"You saved me, so there's no need for a thank you." she giggled.

"There's always a need for a thank you when someone saves your life. No matter if you have saved their life or not." I said as I splashed my face with water.

"Where's Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find him." I said as I looked at my reflection in the water, then added, "If he doesn't find me first."

"You said you were wondering where I was, so does that mean you found him once?" she asked; curiosity filling her voice.

"He found me. He actually found me after I was taken the second time, but the witch that took me had the upper hand." I sighed.

"So where do we start?" she said with a perky smile.

"You're going to look with me?" I asked; a smile spreading across my face at the thought of traveling with her again.

"Of course!" she beamed, and I couldn't help but smile back.



Our internet has been down for a few months, but we finally got it back up and the first thing I did was log on and start writing!!!

Who's happy to have Nami back??? I saw a comment asking where she was, and I figured this was the best time to bring her back! Kinda like a "sorry I've been MIA for months" present :)

As always, let me know what you guys think!


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