Chapter 9

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        "What?!" she exclaimed as a gash form across her lower adomen. 

"Huh?" my jaw dropped in shock, but I quickly returned to the current situation. I drew the sword across her flesh again, but a little higher this time. Again, it cut. 

So a human really can use it as a weapon. I thought with a smirk. 

My smirk disappeared as I barely dodged Bankotsu's halberd. 

"I'll make a far better opponent." he chuckled; placing the huge weapon on his shoulder. 

"That's enough." the wtich snapped, and electricity expanded from her. It knocked Tensaiga from my hand, but was pushing Sesshomaru and the others away. 

"Another barrier, Maya?" Bankotsu looked unhappy. 

"Sesshomaru! Kirako!" I yelled; running towards them. I hit the barrier and was thrown back. When I looked up, I could no longer see them. "What do you want with me!" I yelled; whipping around with hot tears in my eyes. 

"Simply for you to keep you side of the deal. I kept mine, so you have to keep yours." she said in a cold voice. 

"Find that stupid gem, then shove it into Naraku's heart? That's kinda hard to do when I'm LOCKED IN A CAGE!" I screamed; advancing on her, but Bankotsu stopped me. 

"I think you should keep your distance." he warned; holding me back easily with only one hand on my stomach. 

"Move." I felt my features harden, but he seemed unfazed. 

"You're not as scary as everyone said you were." he teased. "That's not very effective anymore." he added when I growled. 

"Some habbits die hard." I said through gritted teeth, then smirked. "And all guys are the same in one aspect." 

"What-urrh!" he groaned/growled in pain as I brought my knee up. I went to push him sideways, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me to the ground with him. 

"Get off me!" I exclaimed as I shoved against him. 

"You two are children." Maya sighed, and I watched as she disappeared. 

"That sword still cuts! If someone doesn't get him off me I'll stab them 100 times!" I groaned as I tried my hardest to get him off me. 

Human strength sucks! 

~Time Skip~

        "What do you want?" I snapped; stopping in my tracks. "You're interrupting my running." 

Since I was back to my old human strenght, which is pretty much none, I started working out. It's only been a week so there's not much of a difference, but I've managed to talk Jakotsu into sparing with me. He only agreed so he had someone to beat up. 

"Why do you bother with running?" Bankotsu asked. 

"Because I can. Now move." I rolled my eyes, and started to go around him, but he just stepped in front of me again. 

"Where did you hide the sword?" he narrowed his eyes as he looked down at me. 

"Someplace you'll never find it." I sneared. 

"We'll find it sooner or later." he shrugged, then reached into his armor. "Here. Maya said to give you new clothes since yours are burnt." He handed me a priestess's outfit. 

"Bring me some armor, and I might accept." I scuffed; pushing past him, and knocking the clothes to the ground. I took off in a sprint, and he didn't follow me. 

        More time passed without me seeing Maya again, but I figured she'd show eventually. I just needed to gain her trust enough for her to let me go. That's easier said that done, though. Maya didn't trust anyone of the Majo bloodline.

        "Maya!" I yelled into the empty night. "Maya!"

"Quite!" Jakotsu yelled, but I didn't know where from.

Pathetic human hearing. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Maya! I'm going to keep yelling until you show yourself!" I yelled even louder.

"Keep it up, and I'll slit your throat myself!" Renkotsu growled, and a metal string cut across my cheek. "Next one won't miss!"

"MAYA!" I yelled as loud a possible, but still didn't recieve a response.

"Come on, little wtich. We have a mission." I jumped as Bankotsu's breathed ran down my neck.

"When the hell did you get there?!" I exclaimed as I moved away from him.

"When you started yelling." I could barely make out his smirk in the dark, but I could hear it in his voice.

"What did you mean mission?" I narrowed my eyes as what he said actually sank in.

"Maya told me to take you to look for the stone. She thinks you're weak enough that it will be safe." he explained; grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

"Can't I have Jakotsu?" I whined; doing my best to annoy him.

"No. Maya wants someoen that won't kill you as soon as we're away from here." he chuckled, but turned around when I pulled my arm from his grasp.

"Keep walking. Nothing to see here." I waved him off with my hand, but he stayed planted in front of me. "Is there a problem?"

        "What the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed as I felt something wrap around my wrist.

"I was told to use restraint if you gave me any issues. You're already starting to." he started to walk again, and whatever was around my wrist pulled me along as well.

"Not happening! I'm not going to be tied to you this whole trip!" I exclaimed as I pulled against it, but he was obviously the stronger of us now.

        I fell to my butt as a last resort, and it actually managed to stop him.

"Would you stop being such a child?" Bankotsu snapped as he whirled around on me.

"Uncuff me, and we'll see." I said with a huff. I knew I was acting childish, but I was hoping I could annoy him enough to leave me alone.

"Behave, and I might." he countered.

"For Kami's sake! What will it take to annoy you!?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"You've met my brothers, correct? Do you really think a little bit of whining will break me, little witch?" he chuckled as he pulled me to my feet.

"A girl can hope." I mumbled as I reluctantly followed him, but I had a plan.


I know this chapter is short, but I really wanted to get an update out! I'm sorry it's been so long, and I'll try to update again by the weekend. Hopefully I'll be caught up in school by then.

Let me know what you guys think! I've seen all your comments even if I haven't replied.

Also, I'm going to shamelessly promote one of my all time favorite bands, GO CHECK OUT AFTER ROMEO! THEY ARE A REALLY TALENTED POP GROUP!





Okay, my promoting is done for now :)

Hope you enjoy the chapter! Again, sorry I haven't updated lately!


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