Chapter 5

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        "Get down, toad!" I yelled, and threw purple flames in front of him. I was just in time to keep the ice shards from hitting him. "Find Rin, and get to Sesshomaru! Go now!" Jaken didn't waste any time to scurry off. 

"Been a while, Muko." a girl with white hair, and blue eyes emerged from the shadows. 

"I learned something new. Apparently its Mizuko now." I sneared. 

"New name doesn't mean new tricks. I beat you last time, and I'll do it again. Witch against witch? What do ya say?" she smirked. 

"I would love nothing more than to kill you, Sayuri." purple flames swirled around me, and Sayuri smirked. 

"You're going to regret killing my mother." ice surrounded her, and we were both ready. 

"Your mother is burning in hell, and you'll be joining her soon." 

        I just barely managed to dodge the fire that came at my back. 

"You're late, Ryu." Sayuri rolled her eyes. 

I didn't bother with a response, and sent my magic at them. Sayuri blocked it, and sent shards of ice in my diretion. I dodged and blocked most of them, but one grazed my side. I growled in pain, but didn't let it slow me down. 

"How do expect to kill me if you can't even hit me straight on?" I mocked. 

"I like playing with my prey before I kill it." she smirked, and more ice shards postitioned themselves towards me. 

(Sesshomaru POV)

        The scent of Mizuko's blood filled my nose, and I didn't hesitate to return to the castle. Once there, I found Rin and Jaken hiding, and most of my guards dead. 

"Where's Mizuko?" I demanded. 

"M'Lord, she's fighting the intruders! She sent me to find Rin and you!" Jaken exclaimed when he realized I was there. 

"Where is she?" 

"Sleeping quarters on the top floor, M'Lord!" I didn't stick around. Rin was obviously not hurt, and the only two unfamilar smells were with Mizuko. 

        I turned the corner, and saw her covered in blood. There was a man on the floor, and by the looks of it he was almost dead. Mizuko and the other girl were in about the same condition, and it was a toss up on who would win. I took a step forwards, and a floor board creaked. 

"Sesshomaru?" Mizuko asked as she whipped her head in my direction. 

I didn't have time to warn her before an ice shard burried into her stomah. The sickly sweet smell of her blood filled the hall, and it made my demon side start to take over. 

I was about to attack the intruder, but I stopped dead in my tracks. 

The smell of her blood has changed.

(Mizuko POV)

        Everything went blurry after I saw Sesshomaru, but I was aware enough to know that I was hit and Sesshomaru was losing control of himself. I also knew that something was happening with me. I couldn't explain the feeling, but it felt familiar.

"Pathetic! Getting distracted by your demon lover!" Sayuri spat. 

My mouth started to ache, and so did my hands and ears. My sense of smell was getting stronger, and energy was filling my body again.

        A throat ripping snarl escaped my chest, and I was in front of Sayrui. In seconds, her heart was in my hand. 

"Now you're burning with your mother." I said through gritted teeth. 

        Everything hit me at once. Memories flood my mind, and I fell to my knees as my head felt like it was going to explode. I managed to look behind me, and saw Sesshomaru's face twist in pain. 

Then the only thing I could see was my past. 

        "She better wake up soon, or I'll kill you for causing this." I heard Kirako threathen in a shakey voice. 

"M'Lord didn't cause this worthless human to almost die!" Jaken yelled. 

"Kirako, toad, just shut up. I'm trying to sleep." I mumbled, and then I remembered everything. I shot up from my bed, and frantically looked around to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 

"Mizuko?" Kirako asked, and tears formed in her eyes. 

"Kirako!" I exclaimed as I threw myself into a hug as tears ran down my face.

"Mizuko!" Rin's voice made me cry harder, and I quickly pulled her into the hug. 

        Once the emotional high wore off, the pain hit and hit hard. 

"I should have died. Sayuri had won. How did I regain my demonic powers?" I said through uneven breaths. 

"Father must've just hidden your demon gene. He wasn't strong enough to break it, but he could bury it with your memories." Kirako suggested. 

"Doesn't really matter, I guess. I remember everything now, and Naraku won't get away with all he's done." I sat up despite the pain, but a hand on my shoulder pushed me back down. 

"Sesshomaru." I breathed at the sight of him, but couldn't understand what this overwhelming feeling was. 

"Rest." was all he said before disappearing. 

"M'Lord!" Jaken exlcaimed as he chased after him. 

        "Kirako?" I said when it was just her and Rin left. 

"Yeah?" she grabbed my hand, and I took a deep breath. 

"I think I might love Sesshomaru." 


I know I haven't updated in a while, so here's a happy chapter!! 

Thanks for all the votes and comments.  I've seen them all even if I haven't responded to many. Hopefully I'll be able to do more updates soon. 

Thanks again! 


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