Chapter 26

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        "Mizuko, good to see you're still alive." Kagura smirked as we entered Sesshomaru's castle. 

"Kagura!" I exclaimed, and tackled her with a hug. 

"Yeah, yeah, I missed you too." she chuckled as she patted my back. 

"Hey Kagura, did you miss me as well?" Kirako teased, and I felt Kagura tense up. 

"It's fine. She's on our side." I assured her as I let go. 

"Hmph. I hold so." Kagura scuffed. 

        The palace was huge. Sesshomaru showed me to my room, and told me to stay, but I found myself exploring. 

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of Kirako's voice. 

"Exploring." I shrugged. 

"More like getting lost. You've been down this hall 4 times already." she smirked. 

"Really?!" I exclaimed. 

"I told you to stay in your room for a reason." Sesshomaru's sudden appearence made me jump. Apparently he was closer than I thought because my back brushed against is chest as I did. 

"Would you stop sneaking up on me." I breathed as my heart raced. 

"Come with me." he said, and I turned around just in time to see him smirking. 

        "What did you want?" I asked as I followed him out into the garden, but he stayed quiet. "Am I in trouble?" 

"No." was all he said. I looked up at the moon, and enjoyed the usual silence. We got along just fine without speaking, and I wouldn't even know what to say to him if I wanted a conversation. Rin can talk to anyone, but not even she can start a conversation with him. 

"Hey, Sesshomaru?" I said. 


"Do you think I screwed everything up with the fight against Naraku?" I blurted out, and mentally slapped myself for it. 

"Why did you hit yourself?" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at me, and I face planted the ground. 

I actually slapped myself?! Really?! Smooth move, Mizuko. I sweatdropped as I stood back up. 

"Dont' ask." I said with a nervous laugh. 


"What?" I tilted my head to the side as I looked up at him. 

"I don't think you messed anything up." he replied.

 "Thanks." I gave a small smile, then looked up at the stars. 

"Mizuko! Lord Sesshomaru!" I looked back at Rin's panicked voice, and growled. 

"You won't touch her!" I growled; appearing between Rin and my father. 

"That's fine. It's not her I want." he chuckled. 

"I don't know what you have planned, but it stops today." I fixed him with a hard glare, then smirked as I flicked my wrist. 

"I see Kirako has been teaching you." he growled as he picked himself off the ground. 

"She might have taught me a few things." I shrugged. 

"You're still no match." he laughed, and charged. I got ready, but purple flames hit him from the side. 

"She's no match, but only when she's alone." Kirako said as she walked towards us. 

"Your mother couldn't defeat me, so what makes you think that you can?" he laughed. 

"We will see." Kirako smiled. "Sesshomaru, clear the castle out. This is going to get ugly." 

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