Chapter 25

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        "Stop being so groucy, dog." Kirako muttered. 

"Show Lord Sesshomaru more respect!" Jaken exclaimed. 

"If I have to hear this argument one more time, then I'm going to knock all of you out!" I groaned. 

"Hmph. If Lord Sesshomaru wouldn't be such a party pooper, then there wouldn't be any arguements. I don't see how you put up with his cold nature, sis. I really don't." Kirako replied; crossing her arms as she walked. She had gotten into the habbit of calling me sis, and I didn't both with trying to stop her. 

"The woman only talks when she's telling us to be quiet, of course she gets along with Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken rolled his eyes at her comment. 

"Don't hit him!" I said; appearing in front of Jaken as Sesshomaru went to punch him on the head. 

"Stupid girl! Don't tell M'Lord what to do!" Jaken exclaimed, and hit  me in the back of the head. 

"Do whatever you want with him." I sighed, and stepped to the side. 

"Oh dear, what did I do?" Jaken sighed. 

"Let's go." Sesshomaru said after he hit Jaken. 

"I'm starting to wish the human girl had come with. She would at least talk some." Kirako complained. Jaken mumbled something under his breath, but no one else bothered to give her a reply. 

        I don't know what to say to her. I thought with a sigh. 

"Kirako," I started, but our stomaches growled at the same time, "want to find something to eat?" 

"Uh,  yeah. Sure." she gave me a small smile, and we parted from Sesshomaru and Jaken. 

"Where are you going?" Sesshomaru asked; appearing in front of me. Of course I wasn't paying much attention, so I ran face first into his armor. 

"Ow, thanks for the headache." I mumbled. 

"You don't have to freak out." Kirako snapped; kneeling down next to me, and checking the cut on my forehead. I heard Sesshomaru growl, and I just rolled my eyes. 

"Would you not growl at Kirako everytime she gets close to me?" I shook me head. 

"I'm not growling at her." he replied, then shot into the bushes. 

"Ah! Would you please let go of my tail, mister?" I growled. 

That's a kids voice! I shot towards them. 

"Sesshomaru! Let the kid go!" I exclaimed; snatching the small girl from his hands. "What's your problem?" 

"Thank you ma'am." the little girl said, and I looked down to see an adorable cat demon. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, cute cat ears, and a tail. She also wore an outfit like Kikyo did except she had a skirt instead of pants. 

"Put the half-breed down, and let's go." Sesshomaru's voice was full of digust. 

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I snapped, but stormed off before he could reply. 

        How dare he be so cruel to a child just because she's a half demon! I thought; growling slightly. 

"Is everything okay, miss?" the girl asked. 

"Yes. What's your name?" I asked; giving her a soft smile. 

"Nami, and yours?" the little cat smiled at me as she clutched to my armor. 

"Mizuko."I said; setting her on a branch so we were eye to eye. 

"Your eyes are like mine, but yours are prettier." Nami gave me closed eye smile, and her tiny fangs showed. 

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