Chapter 14

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        I don't know how long I had been there. Something close to 2 months. I couldn't be sure. I hadn't seen sunlight since Naraku took me, and even worse, I hadn't seen Rin, Sesshomaru, Ah-Un and I even missed Jaken.

I occasionally would hear Naraku cursing Kikyo, and I was happy to hear she was still alive. He said something about Kagome healing her somehow, but he didn't say much to me if it wasn't an insult, threat, or to tell me how little Sesshomaru didn't care. 

I was chained by my wrists, ankles, waist, and like a dog; by my neck. It was demeaning, and I wished I could just rip his throat out. Sadly, such a thing wasn't possible. The chains were coated in his demonic energy, and it kept me from changing into my dog form. Trust me. I tried. 

He barely fed me enough ot keep me alive, and I got half a cup of water a day. The worst part were the beatings. 

I was back were I started. 

Malnurished. Locked up. Beaten. 

        "Worthless." Naraku spit as he back handed me. I refused to give him the pleasure of replying. "Cat got your tongue?" he mused. 

My body was limp. I didn't have the energy to keep myself up, so I laid limpy in the chains. They kept me in a sitting position, but I would have preferred laying down. 

"Let me give you some more energy. I need you to get Koga's jewel shards for me." the tone in his voice cause me to look up. The devil himself stood in front of me with a devious smile, and a tainted jewel shard. 

"Those don't work on me." I whispered; not because I was scared, but because that's all I could manage. 

"No, the one I gave those idiots didn't work on you. This one is covered in my miasma, and just like those chains, will make you obey me." he chuckled. 

It was a malace chuckled, and sent chills down my spine. This wasn't good. 

Maybe I'm wrong. If I'm going after Koga, then maybe Kagome will be there. She can see the shards. My thoughts were as weak as my voice, maybe weaker, but I wasn't broken yet. Naraku hadn't won, and I refused to let him. 

Even in the orphan edge, I never gave up so why would I start now. 

"It's good to see a defiant look return to your eyes. I was starting to worry about your well being." Naraku feigned. I held my tongue, and he chuckled again. "Now, let's get those last few shards, shall we?" 

I felt something enter the skin in the middle of my forehead, and then everything around me went dark. This wasn't like when I lost control of my demon self. No, this was worse. This wasn't a beast I could tame is I just tried hard enough. 

The jewels power was much stronger than my own, and it won the battle to control my body, easily. 

Kill Koga, and take his jewel shards. Then kill Inuyasha and his friends. Your last victims will be Sesshomaru and his group. Do you understand, Mizuko? Naraku's voice rang between my ears, and a growl escaped my lips. 

"Hm." Naraku hummed in an uncertain way. 

"Yes. I will do as you wish." I growled again as my voice spoke such words. 

"Good. Leave now." he replied, and I could hear the smirk in his voice. I tried to fight it, but my body started to move. 

I was doing a decent enough job fighting that my whole body was trembling from the effort. 

""Uhah!" I exlcaimed as Naraku's fist slammed into my stomach; blood came from my mouth as I bent forward. 

"Just stop fighting." he whispered in my ear. 

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