Chapter 17

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     All of Kikyo's powers poured into my hand, and I thrust it through his chest. The sacred jewel was in his heart, but it crumbled to pieces as the Jewel of Seven Deaths touched it. Kikyo's powers did the rest. They purified Naraku, and the force threw me backwards so hard that Sesshomaru was moved back as he caught me. I cursed in pain as I slammed into him with my bad shoulder, and my broken hand was now badly burned. 

"Is it over?" Kagome asked as she looked over Inuyasha's wounds. 

"Yes. It is." Kirako smiled as she limped over to me. 

"Are you okay?" I asked; motioning to her still bleeding leg. 

"Nothing I can't heal." she shrugged. 

"What about you?" I asked; pulling at Sesshomaru's bloody and ripped robe sleeve. 

"Already healed." he replied; pulling the sleeve up so I could see. 

"How everyone else?" I asked, but they all seemed fine. 

"Guess I'm the only one that got hur-" 

"Mizuko!" Sesshomaru exclaimed, and I figured he heard my heart stop. 

     Visions ran across my eyes. First seeing Rin, and then running from Jaken and Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru leaning over me after I thought I got away. Them feeding me, and stopping Jaken from hitting me. The first time Naraku took me and Rin. 

The visions skipped to the first time I met Kirako, then passed over all the bad and went straight to when she started helping us. 

Everything. All the adventures I went on with Kirako, Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken came flashing back to me. By the end of it all, I was in tears. 

They started to fade, and I quickly moved to chase them. I wasn't ready for them all to disappear. 

"You can't follow them if you want to wake up." my mother appeared in front of me. 

"Mom," I smiled and threw myself into her arms. 

"Return to your family, Mizuko. They're waiting for you." she smiled as she brushed my bangs from my face. "Now that you're completely human and without spiritual powers, your scar is going to return." 

"I can live with that." I laughed. I had completely forgotten about the scar that ran over my eye. 

"Go. You're friends are worried. While you may not feel anything right now, your body has and you've been screaming for about 15 minutes. I'll see you when you wake up." she smiled, and faded with the memories. 

     The pain was horrible when I opened my eyes. I was laying on my back, but couldn't see anything past Sesshomaru and Kirako's faces. More pain hit in a wave, and I rolled over on my good side just in time to get sick. 

"That's a warm welcome." Kirako muttered. 

"Shut up." I croaked out; my throat was dry and sore.

"Mizuko?" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm fine." I gave him a nod; understanding him without issues. 

"The way you two communicate is so weird." Inuyasha scoffed. 

"I think it's cute!" Kagome said; grabbing his ear. 

"Hey!" Inuyasha exclaimed and I laughed. 

This was it. This was my family, and I couldn't be happier. They fought, and were annoying, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. 

"What are you smiling about, Mizuko?" ignoring the pain, I rolled over on my bad side so I could make sure it was really my mother standing in the doorway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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