Chapter 12

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     I sat with my back against a tree as I waited for Nami to return from finding us food. Three days had pasted since Tenseiga had returned to me, and I was hoping Sesshomaru would have found us by now. But, of course, I didn't have that kind of luck. Luckily, we had only seen a couple of demons, and none of them wanted anything to do with Nami. She had made quite a name for herself when she was traveling with Sesshomaru, and it came in handy with me only have the strength of a human. I may have felt slightly stronger with Tenseiga on my hip, but I knew my limits. 

     "You really shouldn't be out in these woods alone, human." I fumbled for Tenseiga, but was pinned against the tree before I had a chance to draw. "A lot of bad things can happen out here." 

"Who are you?" I demanded; trying to keep my voice from wavering as I stared into his deep purple eyes.

"Call me Kenshimo." the arm against my throat moved, and he slowly back up; careful to make sure I didn't fall. 

"Let me rephrase that," I said through gritted teeth as I got a firm grip on my hilt.

"No need. I know what you meant." he cut me off before I could finish, "I'm not here to hurt you." 

"Is that so? Then what do you want?" I demanded. 

"You've got guts kid." he chuckled. 

"Kid? I'm over 100 years old." 

"You don't look 100." he raised an eyebrow at me. 

"117 actually, but who's counting." I pulled Tenseiga out slightly, and everything else happened pretty fast. The slightly movement caught Kenshimo's attention, and he had me pinned against the tree again within seconds, but this time he pulled Tenseiga from its sheath. 

"You really shouldn't try to draw a sword when you're obviously out matched." he said in a low voice, "It doesn't end well for most." 

"Is that a threat?" I challenged. 

"No. More like a warning." the muscles on his jaw twitched as he spoke. 

     "Unhand her or die." my eyes widened at the sound of Sesshomaru's voice. 

"Sesshomaru!" I exclaimed. 

"Merely talking. Nothing to angry about." Kenshimo replied, but didn't move. 

"Release M'Lord's mate, vermin!" Jaken exclaimed. 

"Mate? Lord Sesshomaru has mated a human?" Kenshimo's voice filled with amusement. 

"Do I know you, demon?" Sesshomaru said, and I knew his eyes narrowed as he spoke. 

"No, but you have a reputation." Kenshimo smirked. "Why does this girl have the sword your father left you?" 

     I fell to my knees when the pressure holding me against the tree was gone. The fight had started before I even hit the ground, and I could barely keep up with their movements. At first I thought it was my human sight, but it didn't take me long to realize they were just moving extremely fast. 

"Nami, get Mizuko out of here." I heard Sesshomaru say, and then left a hand on my shoulder. 

"No I'm not leaving." I shrugged her hand off, and started looking for Tenseiga. I saw it about 20 feet away from me, but getting it was going to be an issue. It was close to where they were fighting, and I didn't want to distract Sesshomaru by getting in the way. 

"Jaken, where's Kirako?" I asked when I realized she wasn't here. 

"We caught up with here yesterday, but she's watching Rin right now." Jaken explained; coming to stand next to me. 

"Someone ask about me?" everyone's head snapped towards the sound of Kirako's voice. "You're losing a step in your old age, Sesshomaru." 

"Hmph." he grunted as he attacked Kenshimo again. 

"Lady Kirako" Kenshimo bowed as he dodged Sesshomaru's attack. 

"I'm sorry, but I seem to be at a disadvantage. I don't know your name." she narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Kenshimo." he smirked; dodging another attack. This time it didn't work as he planned because as he dodged a purple flame wrapped around his ankle; tripping him with ease. 

"Doesn't ring a bell." Kirako shrugged. "Stop be a rabid dog, Sesshomaru and take care of Mizuko." 

"You're stronger than your mother was." Kenshimo smirked, and everyone, including Sesshomaru, stopped cold.

"How did you know my mother?" Kirako demanded. 

"Did I hear you call her Mizuko? As is in your lost half-breed sister?" he ignored her question, and smirked at me as he spoke. 

"Answer my question or I'll rip your heart out." Kirako spit the words out like venom. 

"I had the misfortune of pissing her off once-"

"And you're still alive? Try again." Kirako cut him off. 

"Her sister stopped Kuro from killing me." a huge smile spread across his face. "You may be stronger than your mom, but you don't even compare to your aunt." 

     Everyone was watching Kirako and Kenshimo so no one noticed me slowly inching closer to them. I was almost to Tenseiga when he said that. The mention of Maya made my blood boil, and I slammed into him before my brain could catch up with my body. We rolled over each other for a few feet before we finally stopped with me on top. 

"What do you know about Maya!" I demanded; pulling the small knife from his belt and holding it to his throat. 

"I've spent the last 200 years with her. You tell me." he chuckled, and in one quick movement he was on top of me with the knife to my throat. 


"You're only human, Mizuko. I'm an 800 year old demon with the strongest witch in existence on his side. You don't stand a chance against me." he whispered in my ear; getting closer than I was comfortable with. I barely noticed he moved before he had me on my feet and was behind me with the knife still to my throat. "I wouldn't make any sudden movements, Lord Sesshomaru. Unless you're just eager to see her blood spilled." 

Sesshomaru growled, but didn't take another step.  I clenched my jaw and the only thought on my mind was how I was going to get to Tenseiga. Then I remembered what happened last time, and focused all my attention on it. My eyebrows twitched as I strained to will the sword into my hand. I could see it slightly shaking, but that's all it was doing. 

"Ow!" I exclaimed as the knife nicked my neck. The sudden exclamation made Tenseiga fly into my hand, and I didn't hesitate to thrust it backwards. The blade sunk into Kenshimo's chest like butter, and his gripped faltered enough I could turn around. I looked him in the eyes as I shoved the blade further until it excited his back. 


"Because you made me mad." I sneered and gave the sword a sharp twist. Once I removed the sword, Kenshimo fell to the ground. "We should leave. Maya isn't going to be happy when she finds him." 

     As I stepped over his dead body, I felt the familiar coldness taking over and my face hardening. 

Where ever you are, Naraku, I will kill you for doing this to me. I thought as everyone caught up. 


Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long again! I've been busy, but I wanted to get another chapter up so here it is! It's longer than the last one, and has more action so hopefully it's not boring! 

Thanks for all the votes and comments! 

Lemme know if you guys like it! 


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