Chapter 3

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(Kirako POV)

        "Human's are such weak creatures. Wouldn't you agree?" Mizuko asked as she stood over Kagome and her group's graves. 

"So they finally found you? Sounds like Naraku twisted you." I groaned at Inuyasha's voice, but Mizuko wasn't fazed. 

"And you are?" she asked without turning around. 

"What? You don't remember me?" Inuyasha scuffed. 

"No." was all she replied with. 

"Inuyasha." he said with narrowed eyes.

"You were their friends?" Mizuko turned to face him as she asked that question. 

"Yes. Kagome was my wife." Inuyasha gave her a soft smile. 

"You miss them?" she asked in a bored tone. 

"Of course I do! If you had any heart, then you would too!" Inuyasha yelled. 

"Apparently I'm heartless." Mizuko shrugged, but I thought I saw sadness in her eyes. 

"What are you doing?" I snapped when I heard Mizuko start chanting. 

"Shut up, and don't interrupt me." she snapped, and I was unable to respond. 

(Mizuko POV)

        "Shut up, and don't interrupt me." I snapped, and put a spell on her. I turned my attention back on the graves, and continued to chant. 

What am I doing? I thought. The spell was unknown to me, but I couldn't stop myself. It didn't take long for everything around me to go dark.

        "If you want to remember your past, then you must meet the people you once knew." I turned around, and saw an older version of Kirako. 

"And you are?" I questioned. 

"I'm your mother." she smiled. 

"How are you controlling my body?" I demanded. 

"That's a story for a different time. First we must return some of your memories. At least enough to return your white magic. That is the only way you will be able to truly defeat Naraku." she chuckled softly. 

"Naraku is no threat to me." I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"But he is, and you will need your friends to defeat him again. Understand that this is a one time spell. I cannot bring them back again. I will return soon to tell you the last thing you must do to obtain to power to destroy him." with that said she was gone, and so was the darkness. 

        "Mother." I breathed as I came back to the real world. 

"You saw mom?" Kirako's voice was full of hope. 

"Hey, how did we get here?" I looked up as saw four people standing in front of me. Two men, and two women. 

"My mother brought you back to life." I replied, and started to walk away. 

"Mizuko!" the girls yelled in recognition, but I continued to walk. I didn't recognize them, and I felt like there was one more person to bring back. 

        I don't know why, but I found the path I was taking was familiar to me. 

I followed this path when I tried running away from Naraku once. Realization it me, but I still didn't know where I was going. 

        "How did you know about this place?" Sesshomaru asked when I stopped in a clearing. 

"I came here half a century ago when I ran away from Naraku. I'm not even sure why I ran. It was the first time since I woke up that I ever felt pain. My chest was hurting, but I couldn't figure out why. So I ran. I ran until I made it here, and then I cried at the base of this tree. I couldn't explain why, but tears actually fell from my eyes. The first time that I can remember." I explained as I reached out and touched the old sakura tree. 

"This is were Rin is burried. She played in this field when she was younger." was all he said. 

"Rin." the name tingled on my lips. Before I had a moment to think, I was chanting again. 

        The darkness covered me again, but this time I realized that it was really just black flames. My mother didn't bother me this time, and time seemed to pass quicker.

        Soon enough, a teenage girl stood in front of me with a huge smile on her face.

"Mizuko!" tears fell from her eyes as she wrapped her arms around my waist. 

"Rin." I repeated, and I felt a single tear fall. 

        A shock ran up my spine, and everything around me started to spin. 


         I woke up to the smell of something cooking. 

"She's awake, Lord Sesshomaru!" I heard a girl yell as I sat up. I looked around, and my eyes landed on a green thing. I stared at it a bit longer, then let out an ear piercing scream. 

"AHHH!!!!!" I scoot away from it, but I ended up backing into what felt like legs. I looked up to see a man with white hair, marks on his face, and stunning golden eyes scowling down at me. I noticed his pointed ears, and was on my feet in a instant. I tore into the woods, and I didn't care where I ended up. 

After a few minutes, I looked behind me. I didn't see anyone following me, so I slowed down. My body didn't have the energy to run as fast or as much as I had, and I was out of breath. 

I leaned against a tree, and closed my eyes. They snapped open at the sound of a stick snapping in front of me. They opened the the same white hair man leaning in front of me. His eyes were narrowed, and mine were the size of plates. 

"AH!!!" I screamed. My hands connected with his chest, well actually his very sharp armor, and shocked crossed his face as he fell backwards. I took the chance to take off into the trees again.

        Everything returned to normal, and I shoved away from the girl. 

"What was that?" I demanded. 

"I don't...know." she said slowly as she looked at me. "I think that was the first time we met. When you first came to this time." 

"It was." I snapped my head to the side, and saw that Sesshomaru's eyebrows were furrowed. 

"You saw it too?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Everyone saw it, stupid girl." a shrill voice snapped. 

"Stupid toad." I muttered, but didn't know why. 

What's happening to me? I questioned as looked of hope crossed everyone's face. 


I'm soooo sorry for not updating sooner!!! I know this one is short, but I've been working 30 hour weeks on top of catching up on school! I will try to update again soon, but no it probably won't be until sometime next week. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for all the likes and comments I've been getting! I really appreciate all the support! 

Again, sorry, and I promise not to make you guys wait that long again!! 


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