Chapter 18

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        I followed his scent until it ended. It stops in the middle of the forest, and I looked around me like an idiot before I remembered he could fly. 

I face palmed, and shook my head. "You're an idiot, Mizuko." I mumbled to myself. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself." I froze in place, and didn't dare move. "It's been a while, Mizuko." 

"Naraku." I growled. 

"I see you still remember me. That's good." I felt him against my back, and he moved my hair over my right shoulder. "I see Kirako healed you up pretty good. Did she supress you memory as well?" amusement drenched his voice. 

"What does it matter." I growled, and turning to face him. Our chest were touching, but I refused to back down. 

"You're always so fiesty." he chuckled; his hand grazing my cheek as he tucked a lose strand of hair behind me ear. 

Shock filled his every feature as my hand was trust into his chest. An expression that was replaced with an amused smirk. I narrowed my eyes when I couldn't find his heart. 

"Now I understand why you never die." I scuffed as I jumped away from him. 

"Yes. I do not have a heart." he chuckled. 

"I could've told you that." I muttered and rolled my eyes.

"Hurtful." he chuckled. 

I can't kill him, but I can't just run either. I thought with a growl. 

"Get down, Mizuko!" Meido Zangetsuha!" I fell to my stomach just in time. 

"Did you get him?" I asked when the portal closed. 

"No. He got away." Sesshomaru said as he sheathed Tensaiga. 

"Damn." I muttered. 

"Why are you out here alone?" he asked as he walked towards me. 

"I was following you. I don't even remember why now." I sighed. 

"Your sister said something about a book last night. Was it the same book you were telling me about?" he asked, and I gave him a nod in response. "How do we kill Naraku?" he asked. 

I was about to answer, but he clamped his hand over my mouth. I gave him a confused look, and he just shook his head no. I nodded my head up and down so he knew I undestood. I couldn't tell what put him on edge, but it was obviously important. A plan struck me, and I stood on my tiptoes so I could reach his ear. I gave him a look, and he undestood without anywords. 

Then I whispered the false answer in his ear. 

"Kirako will be his downfall." 

        "Lord Sesshomaru! Mizuko!" Rin exclaimed in glee as we returned. 

"M'Lord! I'm glad to see you've returned!" Jaken exclaimed, then glared at me. 

"You were nice to me for a day at least." I muttered. 

"Stupid girl! I wasn't nice to you!" he yelled as he crossed his arms. 

"Says the toad that slept against my back with Rin." I rolled my eyes. 

"How are you feeling today?" Rin interrupted Jaken before he could yell again. 

"Much better." I gave her a soft smile. 

"We're leaving." Sesshomaru said as he turned to leave. 

"Not even going to say goodbye?" Keiko smirked as she walked into the room. 

"Goodbye, Lady Keiko!" Rin exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her hips. 

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