Chapter 7

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(Kirako POV)

        "I'm not nearly as patient as Mizuko, dog." I snapped, and purple flames flared behind me. 

"Show my lord more respect! He didn't have to allow you to come with us! Without Mizuko he could have just killed you!" Jaken yelled; hitting me in the shoulder with his staff. 

"And if he did, then Mizuko would never forgive him and he knows it." I replied; catching him on fire in the process. 

"If you two do not be quite, I will kill you." Sesshomaru's cold voice didn't effect me, but the toad started apologizing and begging for his life. 

"So tell me, how exactly do you expect to find her? She disappeared, and no one can catch her scent. Inuyasha and his group have been looking with no luck, and you haven't made any progress either." I retorted. 

He didn't bother with a response, but his pace quickened. "What if she's already dead?" I went flying backwards, but caught myself with easy. It was his next attack that I didn't anticipate. 

"She is not dead." he stated as he held me up by my throat; his other hand positioned towards me face. 

"How do you know? Does that little mark on her shoulder tell you somehow? What good is knowing if you can't even find her!" I spit. He went to attack and my purple flames slammed into his chest. "She may not be dead, but she could very well be being beaten and starved again, or worse. Suck up your pride, and travel with Inuyasha. We'll have a better chance if we're in a group." 

"As if I would lower myself to that half-breeds level. I can find Mizuko on my own." his face was cold, but his voice held a different sound to it. 

"Naraku brought the Band of Seven back for a reason, but we won't know that reason until we find her. I'm going to help Inuyasha, and when we find her I'll make sure to say hi for you." with that I surrounded myself in flames and was gone. 

(Mizuko POV)

        Two days. That's how long they've kept me hidden in a cage. 

        "Anyone have the guts to face me! Huh!" I yelled, but there was no response. Just like every other time I've yelled. I can smell them just outside the cave, but they act as if I'm not here. 

Naraku hasn't shown up yet, and it makes me nervous as to why. 

"Bankotsu! I know you can hear me! Be a man, and get in here!" I yelled; taking a swing at his ego. Nothing.

        "Son of a bitch!" I exclaimed as metal clanged against metal all around me. 

"Would you keep it down in here? Keeping you hidden is difficult when you're making so much racket." Jakotsu whined as he walked towards me; sword on shoulder. 

"Hidden from what? My friend? They'll find me sooner or later." I growled. 

"Not your friends, idiot, Naraku." Bankotsu sighed as he came into sight. 

"You're hiding from Naraku?" I questioned; the shock evident. 

"We may have not been telling the completely truth back in the woods." Jakotsu smiled. 

"You? Not telling the truth? Shocking!" I said sarcastically. 

"Are you sure we can't just kill her, brother?" Renkotsu scuffed from somewhere in the shadows. 

"We're being paid well not to." Bankotsu shrugged. 

"By who?" I demanded. 

"That's a secret, but we will consider letting you out if you can behave." he gave a wicked smile. 

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