Chapter 23

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        "Father...." I whispered, and my heart missed a beat. Everything happened so quickly, and I don't even know what happened. One minutes I'm standing with my back against my father's chest, but the next I flush against Sesshomaru's chest, and he's growling like a rabid dog. 

"That's cute. You found yourself a guard dog." my father laughed. 

"More like a mate." Kirako scuffed. 

"Excuse me? I know you're nothing but a half-breed, but mating with a demon? Isn't that beneath even you?" my father glared at me. 

"Who the hell are you?" Inuyasha snapped; stepping in front of Sesshomaru and me. 

"I'm the girl's father." he laughed. 

"You don't deserve to use such a term." I snapped; venom dripped from every word, and I felt my eyes changing. 

"Sesshomaru get her out of here!" Inuyahsa yelled as he felt my transformation starting. Sesshomaru growled one last time, but started to fly. 

"Get off me! I'll kill him!" I yelled, and started struggling against his chest. I calmed immediately when his fangs sank into my right shoulder. 

"Better?" he asked; looking at me and tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. We both looked shocked, but I ignored it, and laid my head against his chest..armor...

"Thanks." I mumbled, but instead of being furious, now I was trembling. 

"He won't touch you." Sesshomaru said simply, and I wanted to believe him. Suddenly, a thought hit me. 

"You have to go back!" I exclaimed; actually managing to startle him. 

"Why?" he narrowed his eyes at me. 

"Because I have to warn Kagome!" I said; pushing against his chest. 

"Fine. Your father is no longer there." Sesshomaru said, and headed back. 

        "Sango! Where's Kagome!?" I yelled as I ran towards them. 

"Inuyasha took her back to her time to rest." Sango looked startled. 

"No!" I yelled, and I lost control of my body. I jumped over the egde, and I was surrounded in a blue ligfht. 

When it was gone, I was back in the well. I looked up and saw a....roof? I shrugged it off, and jumped up. I could smell Inuyasha and Kagome at the top. I made it about half way, when they jumped down towards me. 

"Ow!" I exlcaimed as we collided. The same blue light surrouded us, and they gave me weird looks. 

"What are you going here?" Kagome asked, but I didn't reply. 

She's not suppose to be able to return. I thought. I looked around when the blue light was gone, and I could see the sky again. 

"We're back." I mumbled. 

"Mizuko!" Sesshomaru's stern voice made me curse. 

"Yeah?" I gave him a nervous smile as his face appeared over the hole. 

"Get up here." he ordered. 

"Coming." I sighed, and jumped. My body left the confinment of the well, but two arms wrapped around my waist for a crushing embrace.

I was expecting a scolding, not a hug? I thought as I awkwardly patted his chest. 

"Sesshomaru's hugging someone!" I heard Inuyahsa exclaimed, and I laughed when Sesshomaru growled. 

"Come on. Rin and Jaken are waiting." I said; pushing out of Sesshomaru's arms, and walking past him. I stopped, then turned around, "Where are they?" 

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