Chapter 1

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        "Mizuko! You're going to be late for school." Ms. Koyama sneared. 

"I'm leaving now." I sighed; keeping my eyes on the floor. 

"You're such a worthless child! What parents would want to adopt such an ugly, and disrepectful girl like you?!" she spit at me. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and scurried out of the orphan edge. 

        I was an orphan, and Iived in an orphanage outside of Tokyo. I was the only kid over 10 that went to school, and there weren't many under 10 that went. Most people stayed at the house so they would have a better chance at being adopted. 

"Watch were you're going freak!" one of the older boys snapped at me as I bumped him. 

"Sorry." I muttered. 

"I don't see why you waste your time with school. You'll never gradute from middle school. Just give it up." he spit; ripping my tattered uniform even more. 

"I don't want to be adopted. Unlike you, I actually knew my parents, and I'm not interested in finding new ones!" I snapped. He slapped my bandaged cheek, then stormed off. 

I just want out of this hell hole! I thought as I walked out into the thick fog that always surrounded the orphan edge. 

Demon's Lake Orphanage was named for the Sacred Lake behind it. Story is, that there is a demon sealed inside it. Most people disappear in it, but I know better than to believe such fairy tales. The fog is just too thick for anyone to be able to swim properly. They get tangled in the vines underneath. If anyone would be brave enough to search the bottom, then I'm sure they would find all the bodies 

        "Hey Mizuko." Kagome smiled at me. She was the only person nice enough to talk to me. 

"Hi." I mumbled; bowing my head so she wouldn't notce the bandage on my cheek or nose. The scar across my eye cause enough attention. 

"Are you okay? You seem sadder than usual." Kagome asked; her voice soft. 

"I'm fine." I lied. 

"Hey, you know if you need to talk to someone I'm here, right?" she said, and I looked up to see her smiling. 

"Thanks. Are you feeling any better?" I asked; giving her a small smile. 

"Yeah. Much!" she laughed. 

"I'm glad ot hear. I hope you don't come down with anymore odd illnesses."  I said, but before she could reply the bell rang. 

I was relieved when she had to go take her seat. I like Kagome, but I just wasn't much of a talker. I also didn't want her to ask about my new cuts and bruises. 

        "Koyama Mizuko, please come to the office." a man said as he entered the room about 30  minutes into class. 

"Arakaki." I replied as I stood. 

"Excuse?" the man asked. 

"My last name is Arakaki." I answer; walking past him. 

"My bad." he bowed. 

"Why do I need to go to the office?" I asked as we walked. 

"Your foster brother came to pick you up. He said something about an emergency." he replied. 

"Hmph." I snorted. 

Idiot. He probably just wants to beat me more, and probably got permission from that bitch House Mother. I thought. 

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