Chapter 17

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"Who are you?" I demanded. 

"I'm hurt!" she feigned, "But I guess I can't really blame you for not remember. Father took you away at such a young age." 

"I said, who are you?" I repeated a little harsher this time. 

"I am your sister. My name is Kirako." she rolled her eyes. "Thought I shouldn't really consider a half-breed like you to be my sister." 

"Half-breed?" I raised my eyebrow at her. 

"Tell me what color hair did father have?" she smirked. 

"Red." I said slowly. 

"What about mother? I know you spoke with her, well her spirit, after the vision. What color was her hair?" her smirk grew. 

"Red." I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"And I have red hair. No one in the Majo blood line has black hair such as yours. Father realized this, and that's why you were taken away. Mother had an affair with a human man, and it produced you. A disgusting halfling!" she spit the words like they burned her throat. 

"Doesn't matter what I use to be. I'm full dog demon now." I shrugged. 

"Wrong again. Witch blood still pumps through your veins. You're still nothing more than a half-breed mutt!" she growled. 

Witch? What does she mean Witch? I thought. 

"I almost forgot that you still don't know! You come from a line of dark witches, and mother was the strongest of us." she said; probably noticing the confusion on my face. 

"What do you want?" I demanded; changing the subject. 

"I came for Lord Sesshomaru's part of the deal. He really cares for you ya know? He made a deal to resurrect our mother just to save you! He didn't care about the human lives that might be in danger. Tell me, can you love a man like that? Seeing as you use to be human?" she was amused by all this, and I wasn't going to give her the satisfatction of winning. 

"I do not care." I shrugged; mimicking Sesshomaru's reaction to most things. 

"Hmm. What about if I told you I was the one who told Naraku how to break you? I mean, I'm the only one who knows of how father treated you. I did spend sometime in that messed up head of yours. I know the only thing father never attempted on you." she smiled at me, and I snapped. 

I charged her, and her smiled grew. 

"Now that's more like it!" she cackled as I threw a punch at her. She dodged the first one, but the second hit her square in the jaw. "I almost forgot about that demon speed of yours." she chuckled; wiping the blood from her mouth. 

"You're sick!" I growled, and attacked agian. 

"Live as a half-breed should! On your knees!" she yelled, and held her hand up. A purple light engulfed it, then she released it at me. I endured if for a few minutes, but eventually I was brought to my knees, and my breathing labored. 

Sesshomaru appeared between us, and Kirako went flying backward into a tree. 

"That's enough." he barked, but I was already done. 

"She's finished for now anyways." Kirako smirked as she walked our way. I attempted to stand, but ended up on my knees again. "Anyways, it's time you came with me. Mizuko can come as well. I mean, she's her daughter as well." 

"I will revive your mother when Naraku is dead."  Sesshomaru stated. 

"Fine, but I do have one more parting gift. Seeing as I want Naraku dead as well." Kirako started walking towards me, but Sesshomaru blocker her way. "Move, or I'll move you." 

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