1. New Girl

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Nearly half way through my senior year, my parents decided to move from Arizona to California, perfect fucking timing.

I couldn't want to move any less than I do. I am 100% convinced I'm going to be absolutely miserable. Neither me or my parents know a single person from Los Angeles.

Me and my parents were sitting in their silver skoda octavia. They both sat in the front, my dad at the wheel and me in the back with boxes, bags and suitcases under my feet, by both my sides and on my knees.

'Why do you have no bags at the front, I can't even move because there's so many back here.' I complained.

'Stop moaning, it's only a short
drive.' My mom snapped.

'Yeah 3 and a half hours, so short.' I said, rolling my eyes and looking out the window.

'Look I know you're not happy about us moving and I'm sorry it had to be so close to your graduation but I couldn't pass up on this job offer, we really need the money.' My dad said while looking at me in the rear view mirror with a sympathetic look on his face.

'I know.' I said with a sigh. 'I just miss my friends and it's gonna be hard making new ones when I only have a few months left until I graduate.'

'Your gonna make new friends honey, you make a good first impression, and even if you don't make many friends, you only have to be there for a few months. Then you can get a job during the summer break.' My mom said, looking back at me smiling.

I smiled back and instantly stopped when she turned back around to face the front.

Little did she know I had no need for a job as I already had an income. I sold photos of myself online, I started the second I turned 18.

My parents were not particularly strict but if they knew what I was doing they would be absolutely furious.

They didn't have twitter which is what I promote my content on and even if they did find it, I didn't show my face in any of my posts so I wasn't worried about them finding it.

I sat listening to Radiohead, Bowie and the Sex Pistols with my headphones in and eventually fell asleep. Before I knew it my mom had her hand on my knee and was shaking it to wake me up. I woke up and rubbed my eyes looking around in a state of confusion taking off my earphones which were still playing Bowie.

'We're here sweetheart." My mom said softly.

'Already?' I mumbled as my dad opened the door next to me taking all the bags out of the car.

'This ones ours.' My dad said pointing to the house on the other side of me.
The house was quite nice, it was a lot bigger than my other house so that's a pro.

I carried my bags from the car into the house, following my dad upstairs as he headed to where my room is.

It was actually really nice. It was painted a cute pastel purple colour. It was at least double the size of my last room, it had a walk-in closet and my own bathroom. There was already a four poster bed and a mattress I laid down and exhaled.

'Comfy?' My dad questioned.

'So comfy.' I confirmed with a smile on my face.

'I'll leave you be, don't leave it too long before you unpack though, it's only two days before your first day at school.' He said, turning on my bathroom light, turning off my main one and closing the door behind him.
I fell asleep basically straight away.

The next morning I woke up with the sun beaming into my eyes. I groaned and rolled over, I looked at my phone and it was already 12 in the afternoon. I definitely overslept.

I spent the next two days unpacking my stuff and decorating my room. I plastered the walls in large posters of the bands and singers I like and also my favourite movies. My mom said it's 'too much' but I couldn't care less, I liked it.

I woke up on Monday morning dreading my first day of school.
I dragged myself out of bed, quickly showered and picked out my outfit. I chose to wear a black tennis skirt with a black crop top, black thigh high socks, mary jane shoes with cute heels and a baggy, white unzipped jacket.

My mom drove me to my first day of school, I played 'Changes' by Bowie, I bounced my leg to the music out of nervousness. I lived closer to school than I thought because I was there before the third Bowie song could even play.

'We're here, text me how it's going when you get the chance.' My mom said with a smile.

I grabbed my bag and slouched it over my shoulder, smiling at my mom before closing the door and going in.

The receptionist lead me to my first class. My teacher who was a tall middle aged bald man stood up to welcome me.

'Ah y/n right?' He said, walking over to the door where I was stood.

I nodded looking around the classroom, some people looked up at me and others didn't pay attention at all.

There were only like 6 people who actually bothered looking up, 3 of those being nerdy looking boys sat in one row right at the back of the class, their eyes were wide and they were whispering. Making me feel slightly insecure.

Klitz's POV:

This morning was the same as any other, starting off with me having to pick up Matt and Eli because they are incapable of getting themselves anywhere without me because I'm the only one who can drive. Eli telling me and Matt about the porno he watched last night. We got to English class and sat in the same seats we usually do, in the same row as always. The order went to Matt, Eli and me.

Eli was somehow still ranting on about porn, I was barely listening as I stared out the window and watched the cars pass by. My ears pricked up when I heard the door opening and this girl walked in. She was one of the prettiest girls i've literally ever seen. She looked like she felt slightly awkward which I thought was really sweet.

'Oh my fucking god.....she's so fucking hot.' Eli whispered and he looked at her with wide eyes, me and matt nodded

'She must be new.' Matt said before the teacher obnoxiously coughed in an obvious attempt to get the classes attention. Once everyone looked up he started saying 'So class we have a new student starting today, her name is  y/n   l/n, is there anyone who would like to show her around after class?'

Before anyone could reply Eli stood up putting his hand up, his chair scraping against the floor making an ear deafening noise, 'I WILL.' He shouted. After realising how loud it came out he said 'I-I mean if you want.'

She nodded slightly with a polite smile.

'Okay go and sit next to Tim.' The teacher said, pointing to me. She walked up to where he told her to sit, she looked at me and quickly also flashed me a polite small smile before sitting down and getting books out of her bag.

I gave a small smile back and I could feel a pink tint creeping across my cheeks, thank god she was too busy rustling around in her bag to see. We all sat in silence until the end of the class apart from when she asked me if I had a spare pen.

Flustered, I stupidly passed her the pen in my hand which was my only one.

'Thanks.' She said smiling again, her smile is so pretty I thought to myself. I looked back down at my work realising I had no pen.

'Dude can I have a pen.' I turned and whispered to Matt. Not even bothering to ask Eli because he doesn't even have a pen for himself, he doesn't care about doing the work.

writers note:
i'm sorry this chapter is sort of boring the first ones always are, the next chapter will definitely be better. 🫶 Klitz's name will actually be Klitz in the next chapter, i hate calling him Tim.

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