37. Never Have I Ever

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Y/n's POV:

After a few hours of painting I realised it was 7PM so I got up to make myself some dinner but my phone started ringing before I reached my door.


'It's Matt, I have a free house tonight and a bottle of vodka I stole from my dad, you in?'

'That sounds fun but I don't know. Me and Klitz are sort of having an argument, well not really. It's just sort of like a half argument.'

'Oh, why.'

'I don't know but he just doesn't like Kai even though he's never met him. He just has some sort of problem with him.'

Matt hesitated for a second, 'Well it's not like you can just not talk to each other. And I've already stolen the vodka now so you have to come.'

'Okay fine then, I'll be over soon.' I laughed.

I went and made myself dinner because I didn't want to be drinking on an empty stomach and then I decided I should probably call Klitz because he would be my ride. Klitz picked up after a few rings,
'Hello?' Klitz said in a flat voice.

'Has Matt called you.' I said, reciprocating the same tone.

'Yeah i'm going in an hour, I'll give you a lift.' he said in a monotone voice.

'Ok.' I said before ending the phone. I know that I shouldn't be being moody back but I couldn't help but be annoyed at Klitz for not even giving Kai a chance before just deciding to have a problem with him.

After I had a shower and packed my bag I still had spare time so I decided to straighten my hair and some make-up. If Klitz was gonna be annoyed at me then I'm gonna make it difficult for him.

When it was around an hour later, I checked out my window to see Klitz going into his car. I quickly slipped on a low cut grey crop top, a black tennis skirt and black thigh highs with a pair of mary janes.

Having my first semi-argument with Klitz was making me feel shit so dressing up made me feel better. I grabbed my bag and made my way to Klitz's car. When I got in Klitz didn't even say hi or smile, he just waited until I did my seatbelt and said 'Ready?'

I realised that tonight's gonna be a long night if he was this annoyed. I just huffed out a 'yeah' before crossing my arms and slumping into the chair.

On the way to Matt's I just thought about all the reasons why Klitz would be this mad. I understand that Kai leaving half way through out dinner so I waited outside in the rain doesn't sound great but it was an energency, he offered to pay for a cab home for me then apologised profusely. I just don't understand why Klitz is as mad as he is. Maybe he's met Kai before and had problems with him? Or maybe he doesn't like me having friends outside of him, Eli and Matt. Well no that mustn't be it because he didn't mind Emma and the party.

Before I knew it we had pulled up to Matt's. Klitz undid his seatbelt then went to open the door, I quickly leaned over and put my hand over his to stop him from opening it.

Klitz looked surprised for a second before moving his hand away and turning back to look at me, going back to his numb expression and monotone voice.

'What's going on with you?' I said while leaning back in my chair.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' He said while shrugging his shoulders and looking out of the front window.

'Don't do that, don't act like there's not a problem just because you don't want to talk about it.'

'There isn't a problem y/n!' Klitz snapped while glaring at me.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now