12. Never.

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Y/n's POV

After me and Klitz met Matt and Eli in the lunch hall it was hard to act as if he didn't just finger me to high heaven in the girls bathroom. It was difficult to look at him without going red in the face but we both managed to get through it for the rest of the day.

I was by myself for my last class but me and Klitz decided to meet at his car straight after class because Matt said he's helping Eli in the library for half an hour with a class he's failing.

'Okay you can bookmark your pages, you're dismissed.' My teacher said with a sigh.

I instantly slammed my book closed and grabbed my bag before running out the door. I walked into the school parking lot to see Klitz leaning against his car reading a book. I ran up to him and threw my arms around him.

'Hey, wait, you're gonna make me lose my page!'  He said laughing while looking over my shoulder at his hands which were trying to fold the page he's on.

I broke from the hug and opened the car door,
'lets just talk and listen to music.' I said while hopping into the passenger's seat, Klitz did the same. I fumbled around his CD's and picked Boys Don't Cry by The Cure. After I put it in his CD player I looked over to Kliz only to see he was already staring at me.

'What?' I asked with a smile.
He didn't answer, he just leaned over and kissed me.

'What's this for?' I said , smiling against his lips.

'Your just so pretty.' He said, pulling away from the kiss and lightly placing a kiss on the tip of my nose before sitting back in his chair and putting his book in the compartment in his car door.

'Can I tell you something?' I said facing towards him and leaning the side of my head on the back of the seat.

'Hm?' He said doing the same.

'Today was the first time I've ever actually come.' I said with the sound of slight embarrassment in my voice.

He sat his head straight up 'What? What do you mean your first time? Do you mean the first time someone else has made you cum?'

'No... I mean actually the first time. Like I've literally never cum in my life before today.' I said in a serious tone.

'Ho-how haven't you cum before?' He asked with furrowed brows.

'Well it's different for girls than it is with guys, it's like 10 times harder to make a girl cum and a lot of the time women don't even cum when having sex. I've just never been able to actually do it, like I've climaxed but I've NEVER been able to make myself cum. Ever. And I read into it and it said the chances of actually cumming on my first sexual experience are next to nothing.'

'Has another guy ever been able to make you.... you know.' He asked awkwardly.

'Um..no. It's a bit embarrassing but...i've never really done anything before, like I've had one or two drunk kisses but it never ended up going any further than that.'

'Oh....right.' He said sitting back with a slightly confused face.

'I know it's probably weird for you knowing you were my first sexual experience.' I said looking down and playing with my fingers awkwardly.

'No-no y/n I don't have any sexual experience either. Like at all.
I just thought that you would for sure have some.' He exclaimed, trying to make me feel less awkward.

'What would make you think that?' I asked, tilting my head.

'Well your hot as fuck.' He said laughing slightly as if it was painfully obvious.
' Ok but wait, going back to what you were saying before, in the bathroom you....finished?' He asked, trying to say it in the cleanest way he could.

'Yes, Klitz,' I leaned closer to him. 'I came. I don't know how but you made me cum for the first time on my very first sexual experience. You must just be THAT good.' I said with a giggle.
'Where did you learn to do that stuff if you have no sexual experience?'

'Um.. nowhere. I could just tell what was making you feel good and kept doing that more.' He said, trying to hide his smile, obviously proud of himself.

'Well I know I don't have anything to compare that to but for both our first times doing that I think it was really good...Well..'
I leaned into him and brushed my bottom lip against his.
'..It felt really fucking good.' I said in a slightly sensual tone before giving in and kissing him properly.

The kiss was passionate but soft, lustful but also sweet. We stayed in that position for a good few moments before Klitz pulled away with a sort of serious look on his face.

'Um.. I have something I want to talk to you about but I don't want you to feel embarrassed or pressured to talk about it.' He mumbled out while rubbing his neck.

'Klitz you know you can ask me anything.' I said with a soft smile hoping it would make him feel more comfortable.

'Okay well again, you don't have to talk to me about this if you don't want to. But um... last week I was cleaning and I looked out my window and saw you.... U-um..'
He started shuffling about in his seat awkwardly making me even more nervous.

'And you were um- you were taking...photos. And you were wearing.. uhh...' He mumbled while looking down at his shoes.

I exhaled softly, instantly knowing what he was getting at.

'Lingerie?' I interrupted, finishing his sentence for him.

'..yeah' He said with a slight nod. 'I looked away instantly by the way and you don't have to justify it to me-'

'Klitz-' I said softly, putting my hand on his wrist.
'It's fine, I want you to know.'
He then finally looked me in the eye, 'Basically ever since I turned 18 I've been posting um....content...' I mumbled.  Klitz sat back in his chair and let out a chuckle of relief.

'Why are you laughing?' I snapped, sharply removing my hand from his wrist.

'NO NO' He shouted, sitting up and grabbing my hand. 'I just really thought you were sending it to some guy or that you had a secret boyfriend or something.' He blurted out quickly.

'What so.... you don't care?' I asked with a hint of suspicion in my voice.

'Of course I don't, why would I? It's your body you can post if you want to post it. If I looked like you I would probably do the exact same thing.'

Klitz being supportive was somehow just as hot as him making my cum in the school bathrooms. I don't know why I was nervous to tell him, of course he doesn't care. Of course he understands, he's too sweet not to understand. I pulled him into yet another kiss and pulled away and looked into his eyes.

'Thank you for being so understanding.' I said with a grin.

The car door opened with a bang as Eli and Matt jumped into the car.

'What the fuck is going on.' Eli shouted.

'Are you two making out right now?' Matt said joining in.

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