35. Who's Kai?

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Y/n's POV:

Both me and Klitz were exhausted the next day at school. I'm just glad it was Friday so I can spend more time with Klitz. The classes of the day were good anyway, I had half my lessons with Matt, Eli and Klitz and all the rest apart from one with just Klitz. And the one class I had with none of them was Geography and made a friend there.

When I first started at this school, in most of my classes I'd just been told to sit in any available chair because most classes were really full. In Geography the chair I got told to sit in was next to this boy called Kai. We started talking on the first day and now I even look forward to seeing Kai. Geography class is so fucking boring and long and Kai just makes it feel shorter and actually fun.

We were walking to the corridor on our way to our next classes and Eli was ranting about...porn? Or maybe a horror movie? I have no clue I really wasn't listening.

'Y/n?.....Y/n.' Eli said while nudging his shoulder into mine to get my attention.

'Hm?' I said while looking toward him.

'So do you want to?' He said with raised brows.

'Yeah...uh...no....do I want to what?'

'Come to mine after school,' Eli sighed while rolling his eyes. 'Matt and Klitz are coming too, we were just gonna play videogames and order food.'

'Oh yeah sure, sounds fun. I gotta go though, I think Kai is waiting for me outside class.' I said while looking at the time and realising I only had two minutes to get to class.

'Who's Kai?' Matt asked with a confused face.

'Kai from my Geography class.' I said with a face as if to say 'Are you actually stupid'

'Who's Kai from your Geography class?' Klitz asked while pulling the same face as Matt.

'I've spoken about Kai before, do none of you listen to me? He's a friend I made in class.'
The boys just sort of stood there cluelessly for a second so I huffed and just walked to class. I saw Kai just twiddling his thumbs and leaning against the wall next to class, waiting for me.

He was looking down at his fingers so I walked as quietly as I could and shouted boo when I was right up to him. He jumped out of his skin with a pure look of terror on his face.

'You dick.' He said laughing. 'I've been waiting for ages, where have you been?' He said while pulling me into a hug.

'Sorry I was with Matt, Eli and Klitz.' I said while still laughing slightly. 'You know, i've mentioned you to them at least 4 or 5 times and they were acting like they've never heard of you before.' I ranted while walking into class, toward my seat.

'They don't even know my name? I've been in the same grade as them for nearly 4 years.'

'Ugh I know, but I wouldn't take offence to be honest they're just clueless.' I said, making Kai laugh.

'I should introduce you to them soon. They'll definitely forget about you again if I don't.'

'Sure, I could bring Max. So I can meet your boyfriend and you can meet mine, like a double date.' He said with a smile.

'Yeah and Matt and Eli can just be a third wheel.' I laughed.

'I want to go out with just us two first though, we've been friends for months and we've not even met up outside of school. Why don't we go out for food after this?'

'Yeah definitely!' I exclaimed, completely forgetting about my plans with Matt, Eli and Klitz.

Geography was the last class of the day and Kai told me he had to hand in an assignment before we left so I told him I was going to quickly tell Klitz that I didn't need a lift home. I found them waiting for me
outside the school exit.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum