5. Is She Flirting With Me?

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Third person POV:

Klitz got ready for school constantly thinking about the fact it's gonna be just her and him in the car when they both go to pick up Eli.

He put on a different pair of the same coloured khakis and a different plaid button up. He grabbed his school bag and his car keys and went to y/n's house and knocked on the door.

'ONE MINUTE' Y/n shouted. Klitz cleaned his glasses to occupy his hands while he was waiting so he looked less awkward.

Y/n opened the door, wearing a thin low cut silk night top and short shorts, her red bra peeking through the side because one of her top straps fell down.

He couldn't look her in the eye thinking of his morning activities but after seeing what she was wearing he decided her eyes were probably the best place to look because having a boner at this moment in time might be just a tad bit awkward. Even though he didn't get a stiffy his face still turned very red.

'Are you okay? You look really hot.' she said, running her fingers through her hair getting out a knot.

'What?' He said with surprise.

'You look like you're burning up.' She said, leaning forward, brushing his fringe out of the way and putting the back of her hand on his forehead.

He winced at the shock of the sudden contact. At this point he definitely knew he had a crush on her, it was undeniable. He shook his head while smiling

'I-I'm fine, it's just hot today.' He stammered while thinking of the best excuse he possibly could.

'Okay.' Y/n said taking a step backwards back into her house
'Well you can wait for me in the car if you want, I just need to put my clothes on so i'll only be a minute.' she said smiling and running back upstairs.

Klitz didn't dare watch her run up the stairs in short shorts, so he just walked back to the car and put on his Bowie CD knowing that's what she'll want to listen to.

A minute or two later y/n ran out wearing a knee length, flowy white summer dress with puffy sleeves and converse. Her hair hung by her shoulders. She jumped into the car and smiled to the sound of Bowie singing Stranger To My Door.

Klitz's POV:

Y/n literally looked like an angel wearing that white puffy summer dress. 'She's so perfect', I thought to myself.

'Sorry for making you wait.' Y/n said with an apologetic look.

'It's fine, are you ready to go?' I said.

'Yep' She said, smiling slightly, flashing her perfectly straight white teeth.

I set off and we sat in silence the whole time on our way to Eli's, but it was a nice kind of silence. We kind of just enjoyed each other's company, listening to Bowie and looking out the car windows.

Y/n's POV:

We finally pulled up to Eli's, Klitz honked the horn and after a few seconds Eli appeared from the door running toward the car.

'Hi ladies.' He said, jumping in the car and slamming the door behind him.

Klitz gave him a dirty look and I giggled at the face he was pulling.

'Looking hot y/n' Eli said smirking at me as an attempt to flirt. I rolled my eyes at his comment slightly laughing.

'Put on The Cure, at least they're slightly bearable.' He complained

I rolled my eyes before pulling Klitz's Japanese Whispers album from the glove compartment.

'What are we doing this weekend?' Eli asked, leaning forward so his face was in the front.

I kept looking out of the window assuming I wasn't involved in the conversation.

'Well what do you want to do?' Klitz asked Eli half assed, paying close attention to the road.

'I haven't a fucking clue, what do you want to do y/n?' Eli said, looking over to me, sitting his chin on my chair.

'Im invited?' I asked looking back at him.

'Of course, why wouldn't you be?' Eli said, confused.

'So sweet Eli' I said, pushing my face closer to his while smiling then pulling away to look back out the window.

Third person POV:

Eli thought that was a flirty move because he doesn't speak to any women apart from his mother, but neither does Klitz and he started to feel a bit jealous. He'd never understood how Eli can just talk to women. Obviously it doesn't sound that hard but Eli just openly flirts with girls, completely fearless of rejection. Klitz always wonders why he can't be more like that.

'Why don't we go to the movies, I think the new Spiderman is out.' Y/n said looking at Eli then Klitz.

'Oh yeah i've been wanting to see that for a while.' Klitz said pulling up to Matt's.

Matt jumped in the car, on other side of Eli. 'Hi guys' He said warmly.

'Hi matt.' Y/n said smiling back with a small wave.

'We're going to the movies this weekend, y/n says the new spiderman is out' Eli stated.

'Oh cool, your coming too aren't you?' Matt said looking over at her.
She nodded happily before going back to looking out the window.

Y/n's POV:

The rest of the day went the same as it did the day before, apart from the fact I bought Klitz lunch this time. I went ahead of the rest of the boys and bought it while he wasn't looking knowing that if I were to buy it while he was there he would insist against it.

I got us both the same as we had the day before, a cheese sandwich and a water each. I went up to Klitz in the line and grabbed him by his wrists while his back was turned to me. He shot his head round in both fear and confusion before he saw it was me.

'Hey I need to get my lunch.'
He stated in a slight protest but going red at the contact.

I ignored his protests anyway and kept going. I pulled him over to the same table we were all sat at yesterday and sat down, putting the food down on it.

'Your lunch is here.' I said opening my water and taking a sip.

' You didn't have to.' He said slightly blushing.

'And you didn't have to buy me lunch yesterday either.' I argued.

He sat down next to me and opened his sandwich box.

'Thank you.' He said with a smile, his cheeks still tinted pink.

'Your cute when you blush.' I smiled brushing my hand up against his.
His cheeks went from a rosy pink to a heavy red in a matter of seconds.

Third person POV:

Thankfully Eli and Matt walked up to the table and sat down before Klitz had to think of something to say, it also gave him a chance to look in another direction away from y/n to hide the shade of his cheeks from her. He took a long drink of his water to attempt to calm himself down.

The rest of the day went by really quick. Y/n started to really love this school, knowing she would of definitely hated it if she didn't have the boys as friends, they'd only known each other two days and already she felt like she'd been friends with them for years.

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