46. Saying Goodbye

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Y/n's POV:

Saying bye to my grandad was really sad knowing that I wouldn't see him for at least a year. I did cry but when he left he wished me good luck and told me to call him once i've settled into Connecticut and tell him all about it and gave me a massive long hug.

Klitz even came out and gave my grandpa a hug when he was leaving, so cute.

The last day of school was a weird one. The actual school day itself was just like any other. Apart from the fact we picked Matt and Eli a bit earlier so we could get a
drive-through breakfast and take the long way to school so that we could enjoy our last drive to school as a group.

The school day itself was just like any other but after school we went back home and got ready for graduation. At my old school we didn't have prom on the same day but I guess in LA it's different.

Me and Klitz decided that we didn't want to do the whole prom thing. Getting all dressed up to go to a shitty party with people we don't like didn't appeal to us at all. The graduation ceremony was really long and quite boring but also sort of nice. Because it is an achievement and my mom even cheered for Klitz and Klitz's mom cheered for me which was really sweet to see.

After the ceremony since none of us were going to prom we just all went to Matt's house and got drunk with a takeout and played video games. Which I preferred way more than any prom, I'd rather it be just us being drunk idiots than us dressed up in uncomfortable clothes drinking shitty spiked punch and dancing awkwardly.

By the end of the night we went to bed and made a few snide jokes at Eli about him cuddling Matt while we were saying goodnight to them. I went to bed nestled up in Klitz arms and just thought to myself that this is probably the happiest I have ever been in my whole life. Everything was fitting so perfectly in place.

The summer holiday was the funnest summer I've ever had. Klitz got a part-time job in a book shop so he would have extra cash for our apartment.

It was sad because that meant I couldn't just hang out with him whenever and there had to be set days but we still hung out at least 4 days a week. And sometimes I would wait for him outside when he was finishing with a milkshake from the store next door and sometimes I would go in and pretend to be buying a book just to be near him. And on the days he was busy I would meet up with Max and Kai which was always fun.

We spent a lot of time with Matt and Eli while we could. We did all the stuff we usually do. Playing board games and video games and watching shitty movies and going to the cinema.

I would have thought I'd be bored of doing the same things over and over but for some reason when I was doing it with them it just never got boring. We tried bowling once but that just went horribly because we were all shit, it was funny how bad we were though. We had sleepovers at least 3 days a week and got drunk at least 1.

Me and Klitz would have days which were dedicated to finding apartment listings. We picked our top 6 apartments and then booked flights to Connecticut to view them.

Since I had my twitter money and my money from grandpa I had extra money so I booked for Matt and Eli to come with us. Matt was excited to see the apartments and Eli was just happy to go on the plane for some reason.

My parents wanted to come with me but a 5 and a half hour flight with my parents sounded horrible. My dad still didn't like Klitz too much but I think he just didn't think any guy was good enough for me. My mom started to see that Klitz is probably the best kind of guy I could possibly be with.

When we had our flights to Connecticut we had to leave at 5AM. We picked up Matt first and he was standing outside his house, waiting for us with his overnight bag. Then we when we pulled up to Eli's, Klitz beeped his horn twice and Eli still hadn't come out. Klitz went in after that then came out a few minutes later, pulling Eli along by the ear.

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