41. The Brown Envelope

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Y/n's POV:

After Klitz took his fingers out of my mouth he tilted my chin upwards and softly pressed his lips against mine.

My heart was racing, half from my breathlessness and half from the shock of Klitz being so.....assertive. It was unexpected because he's usually so gentle but all I know is that I definitely wanted to do that again.

'I'll run you a bath.' He said softly before walking out of the room.

I would have thought that after having sex with him as much as I have there wouldn't be any more surprises. I was so wrong.

After my bath we ordered pizza and carried on watching Breaking bad. I'd missed it just being us so much. I kind of even forgot about Yale for a while.

The next morning Klitz woke me up with breakfast in bed. It was the sweetest thing ever. He even made a little heart made out of jam on the toast. So cute.

After I'd eaten Klitz said he had to go because he had a dentist appointment so I decided to catch up on some painting. I only wanted to do a few touch ups on an already finished painting but somehow I managed to spend two hours doing that.

When I was finishing up I heard the front door open with a slam.

'Y/N!......Y/N!' Klitz shouted, his voice drawing nearer as he clambered up the stairs.

'YEAH?' I shouted back, not realising he was right outside my door.

He sharply opened the door and just looked at me with a startled look on his face.


He didn't say anything, he just held up a large brown envelope.

'What is.......oh my god is that it!?'
It clicked after I saw half the Yale logo on the side of the envelope. He just nodded slowly. I instantly stood up and went over to him, taking it from him and inspecting the brown paper and reading the small print on the front with wide eyes.

'Klitz I won't be mad if you want to open it now..I promise.' I said looking up to him.

He was dead silent and took the envelope from me and looked at it for a second before looking back at me.

'I can't. We have to open them together. What if I get in then when yours comes and you don't, It'll just give us false hope.'

Klitz fumbled around, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and started calling someone.

'Who are you calling?'

'Matt. I can't keep this here until yours comes. We'll just end up opening it....Hello? Matt? Are you home?.....okay well can I drop off my Yale letter at yours?.....because we're waiting until y/n gets hers so we can open them together....right okay i'm coming now.'

The drive to Matt's was fast because he didn't live far but the whole time I just stared at the letter. When Klitz was handing it over to Matt he was hesitant on handing it over, almost gripping onto it. But he looked at me and smiled before handing it over with a sigh.

For the rest of the day I decided we shouldn't just lounge around because it would give Klitz more time to think about the letter so I said we should go to the cinema.

My plan didn't really work because Klitz was biting his nails and bouncing his leg more than usual, things he only did when he was anxious.

When we got home it was around 5PM and I made a start on dinner. After we ate we played a few video games but Klitz basically stayed just as nervous as before the whole night. That night we went to bed at around 12 and I woke up at 3 needing a drink but he was still awake and said he hasn't slept yet.

I went and got a drink and when I laid back down I pulled Klitz in closer. He sat his head on my shoulder and I massaged his head with my nails, knowing he likes it, in hope it would help him sleep. It did because he fell asleep within 10 minutes.

The next morning I woke up later than I usually would and Klitz had rolled over in his sleep. I decided to let him sleep for longer because he went to sleep so late and just went downstairs and watched TV while I had some cereal. I stayed there for around an hour before I went and got another bowl of cereal and some juice and took it up to Klitz.

We decided to just lounge around today because it was already 2PM anyway. So I painted while we watched Breaking Bad again.

After a few hours I was getting bored of Breaking Bad and my fingers were cramping from painting so we turned it off and Klitz went for a shower and I went to make us some food. When I was going downstairs I saw the mailbox through the window in the corner of my eye. I slipped my shoes on and went out to check.

Tax. Tax. Appointment letter. Tax. Tax. And then I saw the Yale logo sticking out. My heart sank and I dropped the rest of the letters onto the floor and ran into the house.

'KLITZ! KLITZ IT'S HERE!' I yelled while running upstairs.

He came out of the bathroom with one towel around his waist and rubbed his hair with another.

'What's here?' He asked cluelessly.

I ignored how hot he looked right now and held up the envelope. His eyes instantly went wide and he dropped the towel he was running through his hair and rushed into my room. I looked back down at the envelope with utter fear running through my veins.

I then went into my room to see what Klitz was doing. When I went in he was in his boxers, hopping around on one foot while trying to get his sweatpants on.

'Call...call Matt.' He said while pulling his shirt on.

I did and he picked up after a few rings, 'Matt please be home. We need Klitz's letter, mine came.' Thankfully he was home and I told him we would be there soon.

When Klitz was finally dressed, hair was still damp from the shower and we went to the car and sped, maybe a bit too fast, to Matt's house. I picked at my lips the whole way there and the whole way back.

When we got home we sat on the couch and just stared at the letters which were sitting on the coffee table.

'Okay I think we should get the letters out of the envelopes then put them face down then look at the same time.' I said while looking between the letters to Klitz.

'Yeah yeah that's a good idea..make sure you can't see it when you open it.'

So we opened the letters, both of our hands shaking from nervousness. We closed our eyes while we unfolded them and sat them on the table.

'Okay a-are you ready.' I stuttered out.

'Yeah..NO wait...fuck. Just remember that no matter what these letters say, no matter what happens, we can make it work. I love you and if we have to go long distance then I'll drive to you every weekend and any free minute I have, I'll spend it on the phone to you.' He said, taking my hand in his.

'I love you too, we can make long distance work if we have to.' I smiled.

'Okay are you ready?' He said taking his hand off of mine and readying his hand to pick up the letter.

'Y-Yeah.' I said, doing the same.


Klitz x y/n (fem)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt