20. Swear It Was Her First

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Y/n's POV:

Me and Klitz have been dating officially now for around a month. Life openly dating Klitz was different, for a start Eli didn't flirt with me anymore. I know. Insane.

It was nice in the aspect that I could be openly attentionate with him, but Klitz would get flustered if I tried kissing him in public or infront of Matt or Eli. It was slightly annoying but also fun because I use it against him sometimes.

Most people at school didn't care enough to second look at our relationship but there was one incident where jocks came up to us while we were at lunch and asked if we were dating then asked me why i'm dating him, then suggested that he was paying me.

I kept talking to them as I got up from my seat and sat on Klitz's lap and twirled his hair around my fingers while I spoke to them, then finished off the show by leaning down and tounging him right in front of their faces until they grimaced and walked away.

When they left I rolled my eyes and got off Klitz before sitting back in my chair 'Dickheads.' I huffled while proceeding to eat my lunch.

I looked up as I was about to bite into my sandwich. Eli and Matt just started laughing.

'That was fucking amazing y/n.' Eli praised while clapping his hands. Matt nodded. Klitz just still sat there with pink cheeks and hot ears.

Klitz and I didn't tell our parents. Not because we thought they would disapprove but because if they were convinced we were just friends then we could have more freedom, AKA we would have to keep the door wide open everytime we went round to eachothers house and my mom wouldn't coincidentally need something from my room every time he was over.

Klitz's POV:

I love life dating y/n, even though not everyone understands why she's dating me, I can't get too mad at it because I don't get it either.

I got to tell Matt and Eli all about how it started with y/n and the flirty touching and comments. I spoke to
y/n after the sleepover at Matt's house and told her that they're going to beg me to tell them everything, especially Eli. So I asked her how much she felt comfortable them knowing and she said that I could tell them everything and that they are her friends too.

So the weekend after they found out about us they came over to mine to play video games and I told them everything.

'You're such a liar Klitz, you are not the first person to make her cum!'

'Why would I lie about that Eli.' I said not even bothering to look away from the screen.

He ripped the controller from my hand to get my focus.

'So she's never been able to....you know.. by herself?' Matt asked with furrowed brows.

'No, It's just a lot harder for some girls than it is for others apparently. ' I said while shrugging my shoulders.

'Absolute bullshit.' Eli spat.

'Dude I'm not lying.' I said snatching the controller back from him.

'Prove it then.' Eli said, 100% convinced that I was talking shit. 'Call her.' He said, grabbing the phone from the table and throwing it into my lap.

I looked over to Matt to make sure he could see how insane Eli is, Matt just shrugged and looked down to the phone.

'And say what? Do you remember the first time I made you cum full stop?' I said sarcastically.

'You've so been caught out on a lie.' Eli laughed.

'OKAY FINE! ILL FUCKING CALL HER!' I shouted as I aggressively typed out her number. I put the phone to speaker and held it up in one hand while biting my nails on my other.

'He's shitting himself.' Eli remarked in a whisper while leaning over to Matt.

After a few rings y/n picked up.

'Hi Klitz.' She said in a cheery voice.

'Hi y/n I've got a bit of an odd question.' I said while Eli leaned closer toward the phone to hear better.

'I love odd questions.'

'So...um that time... we...
you know... the first time.' I said slowly while trying not to go red.

'Yyyyyeah? Why?' She asked, her voice high-pitched from confusion.

'W-what happened.....at..at the end.' I asked in an awkward tone, trying my best to word it so she wouldn't get into what happened toooo much.

'Well you said-'

'NO NO,' I shouted as quickly as I could to cut her off so Eli and Matt couldn't hear, they started trying not to laugh. 'You don't need to get into detail but what happened riiiight at the end.....to you.'

She was silent for a second then replied, 'I came.' In an obvious tone. I punched the air and smiled smugly at Eli.

'And what was so interesting about that time?' I asked

'It was....my first time cumming.' She said still in a confused tone.

'Ever?' I asked to double clarify to Eli that I wasn't lying.

'Yes Klitz ever. You know this.'

I smiled wider and stuck my middle finger up in Eli's face which he smacked away while rolling his eyes in defeat. I then took the phone off speaker.

'I know you told me, I just....forgot.' I said trying to think of the best excuse I could.

Y/n went silent for a moment before brushing it off. 'So are Matt and Eli gone?' She asked as her voice got higher.

I glanced over to Matt and Eli who were staring back at me. 'Uh...yeah.'

'Okay good because I just bought a new lingerie set and I want to... test it out.. If you know what I mean.' She muttered slowly and sensually.

My face instantly went bright red, even though the phone was off speaker, Matt and Eli obviously heard because their faces dropped.

'O-Okay.. I'll be over soon.' I mumbled while ending the phone.

'You two gotta fucking go.' I said clear as day.

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