6. Lingerie

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Y/n's POV:

The days seemed to fly by. Every day Klitz drove me to and from school. At the start we would sit in complete silence just listening to music but now we just sit and talk the whole time.

We talk about music a lot but we tell little stories from our past or talk about something stupid we did the day before, stuff like that. It was my favourite part of the drive to and from school.

We all decided that we would go to the cinema on Friday at 8PM. Me and Klitz pulled up and I said a quick bye to him and he waved as he went into his house.

I had a shower and decided that it's probably time to post more content since it's been a good few days since my last post.

I slightly dried my hair, keeping it a little bit damp. I was going for a wet and sexy look.

I wore a completely lace,light pink lingerie set . The lace was in a pattern of little flowers. It was quite
see-through but not see-through enough so that you could see too much. I also wore thin white thigh highs with lace at the top.

I sat at my white vanity mirror table which sat at the bottom of my room next to my window. I angled the mirror so I could see my shoulders where my hair fell, but not my face.

I got out my camera but I wasn't happy with the lighting, it was too dark the camera couldn't really see that much. I opened my curtains which seemed to do the trick, forgetting that Klitz's window was right across from mine.

I took pictures of myself sitting down, some with my hands rested on my boobs lightly and some from the back so the photos showed the bottom of my hair, the small of my back and my ass. I stood up and took a few more so the camera could properly see my stockings.

Third person POV:

It was a good few hours until they were going to the cinema and Klitz was a bit bored. He was lying on his bed playing The Smiths and looking up at his ceiling. He huffed and looked around his room, clothes were scattered all over the floor so he decided now would be a good time to clean up a bit.

He separated the dirty clothes from the clean ones. And walked over to his washing basket,which sat underneath my window. His arms filled with dirty clothes, he dumped the pile into the basket and looked at his watch realising it was still another hour until they were going. He looked up and mid sigh and saw y/n head to toe in sexy lingerie, stood in front of her mirror and was taking photos of herself.

'Oh my god' Klitz shouted while his face burned up. His legs gave way underneath him and he fell to the floor in fear she would look over.

He covered his face with his hands in disbelief of what he just witnessed. He leaned forward reaching up to the phone on his desk.He grabbed it, sat back under the window, still hiding, with his back against the wall. He called Eli, biting the skin on his lip out of nervousness. Eli answered finally after 6 or 7 rings.

'What do you want dude? I'm busy.' Eli said with an irritated voice.

'Eli PLEASE stay on the phone, just hang on while I add Matt to the call.' Klitz begged.

Matt answered basically straight away and Klitz connected the two calls together.

"Guys, I was cleaning my room and I went to put my laundry in my laundry basket and I just looked out my window and saw y/n standing in front of her mirror taking pictures of herself in lingerie.' Klitx exclaimed, talking at double speed.

'DUDE YOU'RE JOKING!' Eli shouted.

'WHAT!' Matt followed.

'I'm literally sitting on my floor under my window, hiding from her right now.'

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