31. After Highschool

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Y/n's POV:

Being back at school was actually quite nice. I usually hate school because it's so boring but considering I've been locked up in the house for the past week, it was nice to just be around people. Even better because Klitz was in most of my classes and let me cheat off of him when I didn't know something.

When English class finished, me and Klitz made our way to the cafeteria. When we walked toward the table we all usually sat at and we saw Matt with his head on his arms which rested on the table, with Eli half assed patting his shoulder while eating a sandwich.

'What's going on?' Klitz asked while throwing his backpack down on the floor and sitting at the opposite side of Matt.

'He's stressed about getting into Georgetown.' Eli said.

'How can I not be? I have like a 50% chance of getting in and I don't want to go anywhere else. How are you not stressing out? You don't even know where you're going yet.' He said while lifting his head to look at Eli.

I hated talking about colleges because I didn't know what was going to happen with me and Klitz when highschool was over. I've been purposely avoiding the conversation and pushing it to the back of my mind. I knew Klitz had been wanting to go to Yale for a few years and had his mind set on it.

'I don't really care where I go, college is college. I'm just gonna apply for loads and decide between the ones that accept me.' Eli said, muffled by the mouthful of his half chewed ham sandwich.

'When are you applying Klitz?' Matt said, looking toward Klitz with his chin resting on the back of his hands.

'Actually um..I already have.' He mumbled while shuffling in his seat slightly.

'You already have?' I said slightly shocked.

'Well yeah..I didn't want to leave it too late.' He said while looking at his hands to obviously avoid eye contact. I think Klitz knew I was avoiding the conversation about what would happen to us when college started, maybe he didn't want to talk about it either because he hasn't brought it up.

I sat my head in my hands and rested my elbows on the table and sighed. 'I don't even know what I want to do yet.'

'Well it's still a good few months until school finishes so you have time to think about it.' Matt said, looking up to me.  I just sighed again and started complaining about the cafeteria food to quickly change the subject.

After school had finished and we dropped Matt and Eli off, I sat with my head resting on the window and listened to the music playing softly from Klitz's radio.

'I think um..we should talk about college.' Klitz murmured.

'What do you mean?' I replied, while shuffling in my seat uncomfortably and lifting my head to look at him.

'You know what I mean y/n, like what's gonna happen with us.'

'Well I don't even know where I'm gonna go so how are we meant to talk about it?' I said while looking down at my feet.

'Well I was thinking about um.. The art major at Yale.' He mumbled slowly. 'Like I don't want you to apply just so then we're together. Like I don't want you doing something you don't want to be doing just so we aren't apart but um-' He mumbled faster this time out of nervousness.

'Art?' I said, looking up from my feet to face him.

'Well yeah..you paint all the time and you can draw too and if you don't know what you want to do I thought maybe art because you enjoy it.' He said while shifting his gaze between me and the road.

'I did think about it but I didn't think I was good enough to make a career of it.'

'I really think you could. You recreate famous art pieces and they look the exact same so surely if you can do that you can do anything.'

I thought about it for a second, daydreaming about spending my day painting in an art studio before going back to my college dorm and seeing Klitz waiting for me. I definitely wanted to be as close to him as I could. When thinking about after highschool I'd just imagined us either breaking up or being long distance, and both thoughts made me sick to the stomach.

'Doing art actually seems really nice.' I said with a smile.

We went back home and I got out my art pieces, old and new and made a folder out of it.

After I'd finished I just flipped through it with a grin. Maybe Klitz was right, maybe I could actually do this. Klitz walked into my room with a bowl of cereal to see me siting on the floor with my pieces scattered all around me.

'Woah.' He muttered with a mouthful of coco pops before carefully walking toward the bed, avoiding stepping on anything as he did so. He peered over the side of the bed and looked down at my artwork.

'They're really good y/n.' He said looking back at his bowl of cereal.

'These are the bad ones.'

'How?' He said with furrowed brows.
I laughed while I stood up and joined him on the bed, bringing my folder with me.

'These are the good ones.'

He passed me his bowl of cereal and took the black book off of me and started flipping through it. I picked up his spoon and stole a few bites before he looked back up to me.
'Your so getting into Yale.' He grinned.

I smiled back, making sure to keep my mouth closed because of the mouthful of cereal I had yet to swallow.

Later that night Klitz helped me apply to Yale and a few other backup colleges. I decided to for once take a page from Eli's book and just apply to loads of them, hoping that at least a few would accept me. I was sure to only apply for the ones that were under two hours away from Yale though.

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