2. New Friends?

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Y/n's POV:

'Everyone read and study the next chapter and bookmark where we finished. You can go to your lunch hour. Eli remember to show
y/n around.' My teacher shouted.

The room filled with the noises of slapping paper and metal legs of cheap chairs scraping against the floor. I went to look up at the clock while packing up my books away but Eli had somehow teleported right in front of me with a massive grin spread across his face.

'Oh my god,' I shouted while jumping out of my skin and dropping one of my books on the floor. I placed my hand on my heart, 'You scared the fuck out of me.'

Eli laughed 'Sorry.'

Klitz leaned down next to me , picked up my book and handed it back to me.

'Thanks Tim.' He nervously smiled at me and went back to packing his stuff away.

'Come with us.' Eli said, throwing his backpack over one shoulder. Matt and Eli properly introduced themselves while Tim just silently packed away.

Me, Eli, Tim and Mattew left the class and started walking down the busy corridor.

'So which school did you move here from?' Matthew asked.

'I've actually only just moved to Cali two days ago, before I lived in Arizona.'

'Oh cool, I have family there.' Eli replied.

'Why did you move?' Matt questioned

'Well my dad got this job as a banking manager or something, I dont even know. He just got a boring fucking job here so we had to move.'

'Let me see your classes, if you're in our English class you might have a few other classes with us.' Matt said.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a crumpled yellow slip of paper the receptionist gave me at the start of the day.

I pressed it against my chest flattening it out then and handed it to Matt. Eli leaned over to Klitz 'That paper just touched her tits, I wanna touch it now.' He whispered quietly, thinking I couldn't hear him.

Klitz nudged him away roughly.
'Don't be a creep.' He hissed back with a grimaced face while Eli laughed.

I walked in silence for a few seconds while Matt read through all my classes.

'I mean you have one or two with me and Eli but all her classes are basically with you.' He said, looking at Tim and handing him the paper.

'At least I know at least one person in my classes, what classes do we have together Tim.' I said looking up at him.

'Only teachers and my parents call me Tim really, everyone else calls me Klitz.'

At this point Matt and Eli began talking among themselves out of boredom.

'Klitz?' I questioned.

'Yeah..with a k.'

'What a weird name.'

A slightly defeated look was on his face. 'I like it, why Klitz with a K?'

Klitz looked away from me smiling slightly. 'It's just my second name.' He shrugged.

'Fun.' I said, looking up at him smiling. 'Where are we even going?' I questioned.

Eli and Matt clocked in to the conversation and Matt said that we're going to the cafeteria. We went to the food queue and Eli was explaining how bad the school food was until we got to the front of the queue.

I stood at the front next to Klitz, Eli and Matt stood talking behind us.

I asked the lunch lady for a cheese sandwich and water.
'That'll be 3 dollars.'

I went to pull a note out of my phone case and hand it to her. 'Sorry sweetheart all our payments are digital so you need to put the money onto your cafeteria card.'

'My what?' I said retracting the note away from her. 'How do I do that?'

She went on a long explanation about how to activate my card then how to put money on it, telling me who I need to talk to and where I need to go.

Klitz was listening to the whole conversation and obviously saw the confused look on my face.

'It's fine you can just charge it to my card.' He said slightly interrupting the dinner lady's rant.

'You don't have to, I can go and activate it and just put this on it.' I said holding up the cash.

'Y/n it's fine, by the time you do that lunch will be over, I really don't mind.'

'So your card?' The lunch lady said, rushing us both slightly.

'Yeah Timothy Klitz, can I get the same too?' The lunch lady scanned mine a Klitz's food and Klitz picked them both up and took them over to the closest empty table of four and handed me my food.

'Thankyou Klitz, tomorrow i'm getting you lunch' I said taking a bite out of my sandwich.

'Deal' He smiled. Matt and Eli eventually got their food and came to the same table.

'What happened there?' Eli questioned realising there was a little commotion a few minutes ago.

'I didn't realise the pay was digital and I haven't activated my card, but it's fine, Klitz paid for me' I explained.

Eli put his hands on Klitz's face and kissed his cheeks, 'Such a gentleman klitzy.' I giggled as Klitz pulled a disgusted face, swatting away Eli's hand and violently wiping his cheeks. Me and Matt laughed at the sight.

The rest of lunch was really nice, these guys were not what I was expecting, they were actually really funny and nice. Klitz is a bit quiet and Eli is a bit flirty but I really liked them.

After lunch me and Klitz had history so we walked there together as Klitz caught me up on what they've learnt so far and how much of an ass the teacher is. The rest of my classes of the day were really easy and quite relaxed.

After school I met up with Matt, Eli and Klitz outside the entrance. I said my hello's and phoned my mom asking when she was going to get here.

'Sorry honey, I got stuck in traffic while getting groceries so i'll be at least another hour.' She said with a melancholy voice.

'Your not gonna be here for another hour?' I said, catching the attention of the boys behind me who were just standing there talking among themselves.

Klitz put his hand on my shoulder to catch my attention. 'We're both going to Matts so you can come if you want.' Once he realised he was touching me and quickly removed his hand from my shoulder, turning red.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Where stories live. Discover now