22. Is It Time?

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Y/n's POV:

My post with Klitz went basically viral, usually i'd get about 50k likes but this post got 150k likes. I guess I should probably thank the fact Klitz's hands are so big. Because his hands were big it made me look smaller. Guys online prefer smaller girls for some reason. I screenshotted the likes and sent it to Klitz,
'Definitely taking you out for dinner to get my views up so much.' I texted.

I did end up taking him out. The next week I took him for breakfast at the diner before school, he tried to refuse to let me pay for his food but I showed him my bank balance, 'That's because of you, I'm paying.' I said adamantly.

After school that day Klitz drove me home as usual.  I gave Klitz a kiss and we went our separate ways. I walked in and my mom was carrying a suitcase down the stairs and my dad was on the couch sorting through piles of clothes.

'HONEY!' My mom shouted, 'Come and help me.'

I walked up the stairs slightly before grabbing the other end of the suitcase and helped her carry it down. 'Dad has a conference meeting in Newport Beach, he's asked me to go with him but I wasn't sure about leaving you for a week by yourself so I told him I'd talk to you about it first.'

'Oh..well I will be fine by myself for a week.' I said as I held in the excitement of the fact Klitz can sleep over.

'Are you definitely sure?' She asked with an unsure look on her face.

'Yeah definitely, Klitz drives me to and from school and I think there's enough food in the house.' I said, trying to reassure her.

'Okay well I'm gonna take you grocery shopping in about 20 minutes just in case.' She said while pulling the suitcase on the couch.

'Okay, just shout me down when you're ready to go.' I said with a smile while going upstairs. When I was out of her sight I started sprinting to my room. When I got to my room I straight away pulled out my phone to call Klitz. I was literally jumping up and down from excitement. The phone rang once and then I ended it as quickly as I could.  I had a better idea.

School the next day was painful, it dragged so much. The only good part of my day was when a girl I spoke to in my biology class sometimes invited me to a party in a few days. I was hesitant because I'm not the party type but she convinced me and I eventually agreed. I didn't want to tell Klitz about my free house yet, I wanted to wait until after school.

When I saw Klitz I just wanted to tell him so bad but I bit my tongue and powered through. I was so excited on the drive home I was grinning ear to ear.

'What's made you so smiley?' Klitz asked while quickly glancing at me and looking back to the road with a smile.

'Nothing.' I said, turning to look out the window so he couldn't see my face.

When we got home, we both got out of the car and Klitz gave me a kiss on the cheek, 'See you tomorrow baby.' He said while turning toward his house.

'Nope.' I said while grabbing his wrist and dragging him to my house. He pulled a puzzled face but followed me. I opened the door and yanked him inside, slamming the door behind me then I let go of his wrist. 'Do you know what this is?'


'Yes...and?' I said with raised eyebrows.

'And..?' Klitz said with a perplexed look.

'And your home for the next week.' I said


'My mom and dad have gone to a conference somewhere so I have a free house for a whole week.' I said, stepping closer to him and watching my hands as they rubbed around his chest and round his waist.

'So we have a free house...for 7 fucking days??.' Klitz said as his confused face turned into an ecstatic one.

'Yep.' I said while pulling him into a hug.  'And um.. I've been thinking...'
I said now looking up to him, his smile dropped from curiosity. I looked down and played with his shirt so I didn't have to look into his eyes.

'And..um.. I was thinking..you know.. Like there's no better time for us to uh..go like...all the way? Only if it's what you want obviously..like I don't want to corner you in to it or anything'
I said slightly rambling on from nervousness.

Klitz was silent for a second so I looked up at him and saw his face all red.

'Klitz?' He instantly snapped out of his trance and looked down to me.

'Are you joking, of course I do.' He said pulling me back into the hug. 'Tonight?'

'Well we need to get..you know...stuff for it. So I thought we could do it tomorrow.'

'Sounds good.' He said stroking my hair out of my face and kissing my forehead.

We went to my room and I sat on my stool in front of my window painting, while Klitz was lying on his front reading a book. We had The Clash playing.

'I still don't know what I'm gonna tell my mom. I've never stayed out for more than a night at a time.'  He mumbled while turning the page.

'Ummm.. why don't you tell her that you, Eli and Matt are having a movie marathon. Or a video game marathon.'
I said not looking away from my canvas.

'That's actually a really good idea.' He said while sitting his book down face first and pulling his phone out of his pocket.

'Hey mom, I'm just at Eli's now and he's bought this new game we've all been wanting to play for a while. I was wondering if it would be ok if I stayed at Eli's for a few days while we played it.' He said while biting his nails.

I looked over to him in anticipation, biting my nails as well. I couldn't hear his mom on the other line but he furrowed his brows slightly making me think that she's said no.

I huffed and dropped my hand into my lap but Klitz eyebrows raised and a smile grew on his face.

'Okay...okay...yeah that's fine, I'll be over soon anyway to pick up some stuff. Okay bye.'

I got up from my stool and ran over to the bed as he ended the phone.
'YES!' I shouted while laying my top half on his and squeezing his face with both my hands and kissing him over and over. He scrunched up his face but still smiled.

'You dirty little liar.' I said teasingly.

'Never lied to my mom before I met you, you're a bad influence.' He teased back.

'Can we watch horror movies and make cookies tonight.' I asked.

'Sounds fun.' He said with a smile while tucking my hair behind my ear.

We kept reading and painting for an hour or so before Klitz left to get his stuff. When he was gone I just kept painting. I heard a little pebble on my window and looked around my canvas so I could see out.

Klitz stood there with a smile and put his middle finger up at me, I rolled my eyes and did it back making us both laugh. He mimicked pulling his shirt up and I just looked back at him with a confused face. He then pointed at me and did it again. I then understood and rolled my eyes before lifting my shirt. He grinned and put up an 'ok' sign while nodding with a wink. I laughed and gave him one more middle finger before going back to my painting.

Klitz x y/n (fem)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat